Thursday, March 31, 2011

let's try again
kate spade
interesting interview with Kate Spade and her NGO idea for creating commerce with woman owned businesses...
Break the old pattern of present-moment
denial and present-moment resistance. Make it
your practice to withdraw attention from past
and future whenever they are not needed. Step
out of the time dimension as much as possible
in everyday life. - Eckhart Tolle
remember people cannot NOT communicate... babies rock!
Even to utter the name of God is a blessing that can fill the soul with light and joy and happiness as nothing else can do. - Bowl of Saki, March 31, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head." - Esther Lederer, a.k.a. Ann Landers, 1918-2002, Syndicated Advice Columnist

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

posted a blog on my website
give it a read and let me know what you think...
food imitates art? at least it's edible...
& ways to deal with negative people... it's a good read -
Free NLP Videos... Richard Bolstad is awesome! sent you a link to the following content:

Flipping Gymnast FAIL

The sender also included this note:

watching this reminded me my daughter starts gymnastics in 2 weeks...
*eyeroll... can't wait
We can never sufficiently humble our limited self before limitless perfection. - Bowl of Saki, March 30, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity." - J. Sidlow Baxter, 1903-1999, Author and Theologian

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 sent you a link to the following content:

Engrish Funny: I Guess I Don�t Have Much Of A Choice!

The sender also included this note:

more truth in advertising
According to his evolution, man knows truth. - Bowl of Saki, March 29, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature." - Les Brown, Speaker

Monday, March 28, 2011

poetry moment...
Burnt Norton - excerpt (from The Four Quartets) By T. S. Eliot, (1888 - 1965)

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. sent you a link to the following content:


The sender also included this note:

Springtime! watch out for the wild hogs... yeah that's it
always wanted to do this...
Until the heart is empty, it cannot receive the knowledge of God. - Bowl of Saki, March 28, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself." - Louis L'Amour, 1908-1988, Novelist

Sunday, March 27, 2011

We start our lives trying to be teachers; it is very hard to learn to be a pupil. - Bowl of Saki, March 27, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Man is closer to God than the fishes are to the ocean. - Bowl of Saki, March 26, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
did you see the latest truther girls?

Friday, March 25, 2011

poetry moment...
The things that change are not our real life By Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, (1900? - 1986)

The things that change are not our real life.
Within us there is another body, another beauty.
It belongs to that ray of Light which never changes.
We must discover how to mingle with It and become one
with that Unchanging thing.
We must realize and understand this treasure of Truth.
That is why we have come to the world.
Within your heart in a space no bigger than an atom,
God has placed the 18,000 universes.
He who is filled with the knowledge of names and forms has no capacity for the knowledge of God. - Bowl of Saki, March 25, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Thursday, March 24, 2011

yoga moment... be still...
Perfect happiness is the absence of happiness. - Chuang Tzu, 4th century Chinese philosopher
The first sign of the realization of truth is tolerance. - Bowl of Saki, March 24, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." - Ella Fitzgerald

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

poetry moment...
Exhortation of the Dawn By Kalidasa, (350? - 430?) English version by W. S. Merwin & J. Moussaieff Masson

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!
All earthly knowledge is as a cloud covering the sun. - Bowl of Saki, March 23, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life." - James G. Bilkey, Author

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

yoga moment... one of my favorites... eagle pose
what's your opinion of this?
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours'...
"It's the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class."- John Willard Marriott, 1900-1985, Entrepreneur and Founder of Marriott Corporation

Monday, March 21, 2011

have you seen this?
what's your opinion....
poetry moment...
In the school of mind you By Abu-Said Abil-Kheir
(967 - 1049)
English version by Vraje Abramian

In the school of mind you
learn a lot, and become
a true scholar for many to look up to.
In the school of Love, you become
a child to learn again.
yoga moment... B-A-L-A-N-C-E...
articles like this annoy me
why can't we just speak directly about things?
Our soul is blessed with the impression of the glory of God whenever our lips praise Him. - Bowl of Saki, March 21, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
1821-1881, Writer

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It is wise to see all things, and yet to turn our eyes from all that should be overlooked. -Bowl of Saki, March 20, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It is the sincere devotee who knows best how to humble himself before God. - Bowl of Saki, March 19, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Friday, March 18, 2011 sent you a link to the following content:

Trying To Defy Physics FAIL

The sender also included this note:

finally caught in the a wild...
it's so rare to catch one of those "hey hold my beer I'm going to try
something" guys while they are still young and not in a quadriplegic ward
poetry moment...
I saw a great light come down over London (from Transmissions) By Jay Ramsay, (Contemporary)

I saw a great light come down over London,
And buildings and cars and people were still
They were held wherever they were under the sky's
Clear humming radiance as it descended --
Everywhere, in shops, behind desks and on trains
Everything stopped as the stillness came down
And touched the crown of our heads
As our eyes closed, and the sky filled us
And our minds became the sky --
And everyone, regardless of crime class or creed
Was touched; as slowly we began to stir
Out of this penetrated light-filled sleep
Dizzily as the hand completed its dialing,
And the train lurched forward
And I saw faces looking at one another questioning,
I saw people meeting eye to eye and standing
Half amazed by each other's presence
I saw their mouths silently shaping the word why
Why didn't we know this? and yet knowing
They already knew, and without words
We all stood searching for the gesture
That would say it --

As the lights went green, and we drove on.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

zen moment...
You will succeed or fail in either one depending on your attitude towards the "spirit of the thing."
Miyamoto Musashi
yoga moment... yuk it up

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

poetry moment...
Here there is no we or I or this or that: By Sharafuddin Maneri, (1263 - 1381)
English version by Paul Jackson

Here there is no we or I or this or that:
He remains, He remains, He remains!
yoga moment... we need it
on the birth of a word
Fear Be Gone
At every step of evolution, man's realization of God changes. - Bowl of Saki, March 16, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The new face of "StarSchmucks"...
finally for us classical music fans... This hit the Top of the chart in Britain
put that energy drink down on the floor and step back...
10 Words to Delete from Your Vocabulary
The Flame of Love
yoga moment...
Until man loses himself in the vision of God, he cannot be said to live really. - Bowl of Saki, March 15, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Monday, March 14, 2011

poetry moment...
One instant is eternity; By Wu Men (Hui-k'ai), (1183 - 1260)
English version by Stephen Mitchell

One instant is eternity;
eternity is the now.
When you see through this one instant,
you see through the one who sees.
I'm not doing my philanthropic work, out of any kind of guilt, or any need to create good public relations. I'm doing it because I can afford to do it, and I believe in it. - - George Soros
hey you... relax
Courage is resistance to fear... mastery of fear - not absence of fear. - unknown
God is truth, and truth is God. - Bowl of Saki, March 14, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

zen moment...
Past, present, future: unattainable By Hakuin, (1686 - 1768)
English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto

Past, present, future: unattainable,
Yet clear as the moteless sky.
Late at night the stool's cold as iron,
But the moonlit window smells of plum.
Man sees what he sees; beyond it he cannot see. - Bowl of Saki, March 11, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Thursday, March 10, 2011

couple of minutes ago I post on breath and this shows up... there are no accidents... lol
finally something that works like it's supposed to... nope it doesn't involve technology...
If you would seek to know everything;
then do not seek to know anything. - St. John of the Cross, Christian mystic
Every man's pursuit is according to his evolution. - Bowl of Saki, March 10, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"I will meet the world's demands and win!" - Bob Proctor, Author, Speaker and Personal Coach

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

hey I got published at here's the link -
yoga moment... sent you a link to the following content:

Caption Spelling FAIL

The sender also included this note:

public education... it just works... lol
It is more important to know the truth about one's self than to try to find out the truth of heaven and hell. - Bowl of Saki, March 9, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today's the day. Say it; This is going to be my day." - Brendon Burchard, Author of The Millionaire Messenger

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

yoga moment... sent you a link to the following content:

Poorly Dressed: You Guys Look Fantastically Awful

The sender also included this note:

party animals... just saying
You cannot be both horse and rider at the same time. - Bowl of Saki, March 8, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." -
John Irving, Academy Award Winning Screenwriter and Novelist

Monday, March 7, 2011

poetry moment...
(103) In one salutation to thee, my God (from Gitanjali) By Rabindranath Tagore, (1861 - 1941)
English version by Rabindranath Tagore

In one salutation to thee, my God, let all my senses spread out and touch this world at thy feet.
Like a rain-cloud of July hung low with its burden of unshed showers let all my mind bend down at thy door in one salutation to thee.
Let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single current and flow to a sea of silence in one salutation to thee.
Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my life take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee.
yoga moment... get energized
yoga moment...
It is false love that does not uproot man's claim of "I"; the first and last lesson of love is "I am not". - Bowl of Saki, March 7, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - Marcus Aurelius, 121-180, Roman Emperor and Philosopher

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The real abode of God is in the heart of man; when it is frozen with bitterness or hatred, the doors of the shrine are closed, the light is hidden.
- Bowl of Saki, March 6, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Man creates his own disharmony. - Bowl of Saki, March 5, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Friday, March 4, 2011

poetry moment...
I Am Not I By Juan Ramon Jimenez (1881 - 1958)
English version by Robert Bly

I am not I.
I am this one
walking beside me whom I do not see,
whom at times I manage to visit,
and whom at other times I forget;
the one who remains silent while I talk,
the one who forgives, sweet, when I hate,
the one who takes a walk when I am indoors,
the one who will remain standing when I die.
yoga moment... bend it backward
Those who throw dust at the sun, the dust falls in their own eyes. - Bowl of Saki, March 4, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach. - Yu-tang

Thursday, March 3, 2011

new blog by Steve Andreas, NLP guru on PTSD...
The quieter you become, the more you can hear. - Baba Ram Dass
do you speak fluent yoga?...
The soul brings its light from Heaven; the mind acquires its knowledge from earth. Therefore, when the soul believes readily, the mind may still doubt. - Bowl of Saki, March 3, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"We all have to start with ourselves. It is time to walk the talk. Take the journey of making very difficult decisions. Start removing things from your life that are not filling your cup and adding things that bring joy in to your life." - Lisa Hammond, Author of Dream Big

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

opera moment...
Why People Don’t Change – 3 Reasons and 5 Things You Can Do
zen moment...
Don't weep, insects - By Kobayashi Issa, (1763 - 1828)
English version by Lucien Stryk and Takashi Ikemoto

Don't weep, insects --
Lovers, stars themselves,
Must part.
my new favorite quote...
I blinked my eyes and I was healed - Charlie Sheen
remember... it isn't what you make, it's what you get to keep
The priest gives a benediction from the church; the branches of the tree in bending give blessing from God. - Bowl of Saki, March 2, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should, they never get around to do what they want to do." - Kathleen Winsor

Tuesday, March 1, 2011