Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's Fat Tuesday!!!

okay let's start with a little history lesson... (thanks to american catholic.org)

Mardi Gras, literally "Fat Tuesday," has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous, sometimes hedonistic event. But its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the "last hurrah" before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. That's why the enormous party in New Orleans, for example, ends abruptly at midnight on Tuesday, with battalions of street sweepers pushing the crowds out of the French Quarter towards home.

What is less known about Mardi Gras is its relation to the Christmas season, through the ordinary-time interlude known in many Catholic cultures as Carnival. (Ordinary time, in the Christian calendar, refers to the normal "ordering" of time outside of the Advent/Christmas or Lent/Easter seasons. Carnival comes from the Latin words "carne vale", meaning "farewell to the flesh." Like many Catholic holidays and seasonal celebrations, it likely has its roots in pre-Christian traditions based on the seasons. Some believe the festival represented the few days added to the lunar calendar to make it coincide with the solar calendar; since these days were outside the calendar, rules and customs were not obeyed. Others see it as a late-winter celebration designed to welcome the coming spring. As early as the middle of the second century, the Romans observed a Fast of 40 Days, which was preceded by a brief season of feasting, costumes and merrymaking.

The Carnival season kicks off with the Epiphany, also known as Twelfth Night, Three Kings' Day and, in the Eastern churches, Theophany. Epiphany, which falls on January 6, 12 days after Christmas, celebrates the visit of the Wise Men bearing gifts for the infant Jesus. In cultures that celebrate Carnival, Epiphany kicks off a series of parties leading up to Mardi Gras.

Epiphany is also traditionally when celebrants serve King's Cake, a custom that began in France in the 12th century. Legend has it that the cakes were made in a circle to represent the circular routes that the Wise Men took to find Jesus, in order to confuse King Herod and foil his plans of killing the Christ Child. In the early days, a coin or bean was hidden inside the cake, and whoever found the item was said to have good luck in the coming year. In Louisiana, bakers now put a small baby, representing the Christ Child, in the cake; the recipient is then expected to host the next King Cake party.

There are well-known season-long Carnival celebrations in Europe and Latin America, including Nice, France; Cologne, Germany; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The best-known celebration in the U.S. is in New Orleans and the French-Catholic communities of the Gulf Coast. Mardi Gras came to the New World in 1699, when a French explorer arrived at the Mississippi River, about 60 miles south of present day New Orleans. He named the spot Point du Mardi Gras because he knew the holiday was being celebrated in his native country that day.

Eventually the French in New Orleans celebrated Mardi Gras with masked balls and parties, until the Spanish government took over in the mid-1700s and banned the celebrations. The ban continued even after the U.S. government acquired the land but the celebrations resumed in 1827. The official colors of Mardi Gras, with their roots in Catholicism, were chosen 10 years later: purple, a symbol of justice; green, representing faith; and gold, to signify power.

Mardi Gras literally means "Fat Tuesday" in French. The name comes from the tradition of slaughtering and feasting upon a fattened calf on the last day of Carnival. The day is also known as Shrove Tuesday (from "to shrive," or hear confessions), Pancake Tuesday and fetter Dienstag. The custom of making pancakes comes from the need to use up fat, eggs and dairy before the fasting and abstinence of Lent begins.

Now that we know all that... what does this mean? I think that the basic idea is we all need to reign ourselves in from time-to-time. Since humans are wired to eat and eat and consume until all the resources are gone in a particular area; then we move on to the next area and repeat the consumption process. 

The problem may be that our nervous systems haven't evolved or it could be that we have populated every area on the planet so there isn't an new area to go inhabit. Either way I see the carnival/lent period of the year as a way to pull back a little on the "wretched excess", to STOP and do some inventory about our lives, our actions and the pile of stuff that we've accumulated throughout the year.

Do you have clothes that are "last season" or don't fit anymore? Is there someone who could use those clothes? Have you been meaning to start an exercise program or new eating routine? this would be the perfect time to that started. You know that most people (78%) who begin an exercise or eating program on Jan.1 have already "fallen off the wagon" NOW would be a great time to get back on the bus or to finally begin that new program.

Why am I talking about Lent as a starting point for new routines? BECAUSE IT'S ONLY 40 DAYS LONG!!! it's just a little longer than a month, which is plenty of time to notice what's working and not working in your "new routine". It give you a snapshot of what has to happen in order to make this new routine a regular habit AND it will be long enough to notice what other areas of your life are beginning strain form the increased attention that your putting to a single area.

I'm all about B-A-L-A-N-C-E. You have 8 major areas in your Wheel of Life and it is so common for us to throw ourselves into a new project with checking to see if the "new addition" to your schedule with work congruently with all your other commitments in the of the areas of your Life Wheel. If you are in a relationship/ married and/or have kids the process can get even more challenging.

So for today... party your buns off! 

Tomorrow let's talk about setting some well-formed intentions about how you're going to get rolling on your new goal. I'll post some downloadable link for a well-formed intention with action-steps so you can started correctly and who knows maybe the next 40 days will begin the most focused you've been all year.

best regards,
Michael Harris, PhD

I will also be posting a special price ($20.00 for 20 minutes) phone consultation link for those of you who would like a little extra help getting your well-formed intention complete and ready to start immediately.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Book Review - Shaman, Healer, Sage by Alberto Villodo, PhD

It seems like almost every book I read I love and that may be true. Yes, I'm a "bookhead" and I find the written word to be as seductive as any other physical pleasure that you might imagine; and I can imagine a lot... lol
Occasionally, I find a book that upon reading it, I must run to the top of the mountain and tell everyone to read. This would be one of those books.

Alberto Villodo has lived the life we all THINK we might want and the parts of the book that detail his progression from seeker to shaman are well-written and thoughtful. I'm interested in getting the rest of the his story and yes I've already ordered his two other books, so expect more mountain-top shouting in a couple weeks

We all have a path that we must walk, sometimes ride in a limo, sometimes crawl through 10 miles of burning glass to receive a tasty bite of a sh*t sandwich but who really knows what lies ahead? You still must walk the path. If you have a desire to help people I highly recommend that you add this book to your library of reference, you know, the books you keep at your finger tips for quick review. Yes! It's that good.

And please keep in mind this man has spent a lifetime digesting the teaching and learning from is mentors, so before you run out and hang a shingle announcing yourself to the world as the next "healer"; take a little time to get some training, which oh by-the-way Alberto offers on his website

enjoy this book and I'll see you soon,

Michael Harris, PhD

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Space Between the Notes

headless spirit on Bourbon Street (taken Feb.11, 2012 by KJ)

This may come as "newsflash" but not everyone who helps people for a living takes their own advice. Over the weekend I just  took my first "real" vacation in over seven years and I can tell you that it was long overdue. Perhaps we all should heed the advice that "It is the space between the notes that makes the music... - Wayne Dyer".

I had a great time! The weather was a little uncooperative during the driving portions of the trip and in the middle it was cold and the wind was blowing most of the time. When we finally got back to Texas it was snowing! You know what? It didn't matter.

In my other life, when I was using my hypnosis and NLP skills as peak performance and physical trainer, I used to take a 5-day break every 6 weeks. I'm not sure that going to be possible with my 5 year-old being school but surely we can get on the road a couple of times per year.The most important part is creating time. Time to enjoy yourself with friends or family, and even time with just you and you. For those of you who can't get away anytime soon here's the link to my 10-Minute Mental  Vacation mp3

Now that I"m back, I'm rested and re-charged, I'm going to be adding a new component to my existing business. A friend of mine has asked me to be part of his paranormal investigation business and I said "yes".

I'm not really sure how this is going to work and I'm also sure we'll make some mistakes along the way. I seen way too many paranormal investigation shows on TV with the focus on "evil spirits", hauntings, etc. How come one ever ever investigates the people who are attracting that stuff in the first place?

After 20 years plus in the "help" industry, I know that people's thoughts, automatic language, habits and behavioral patterns attract lots of things; including spirits, both positive and negative. I've also had enough people in my office who needed some serious cleaning (exorcism) and then there are those who are conflicted by opposing thoughts that manifest physically in interesting ways enough to understand there is lots more for us to learn in this area. Perhaps this new endeavor is just what the Dr ordered...

The Mind/Body Connection does necessarily just mean ONLY YOUR MIND and ONLY YOUR BODY; we're all connected remember? And just because someone you're connected to doesn't currently have a body does that mean that the mind connection is severed? Inquiring minds really wish to know the answer to this one...I'll keep you posted on the developments as they continue.

about the Author:

Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach and internationally known Hypnotist, Speaker and Author. He is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the Mind/Body Connection and Hypnosis. 

If you wish to book an appointment in person or via phone or internet (Skype) email Michael at this link 

See his latest video on youtube