Friday, July 22, 2011

Clearing the confusion...

There also has been some confusion about tonight's class... THERE ISN'T A CLASS TONIGHT.
I was thinking about doing one and had scheduled the room, I just never got around to posting an event invitation on Facebook.

I have several people contact me about the seminar "Sensory Styles" on August 5th (6:30 to 9ish CST)
and yes, there is a class on the 6th (9am-1pm (CST) which will give more detail about Sensory Styles
and Meta-Beliefs and Meta Rules (if you want more information on these, you have to attend the class).

I've been working on my book "When kids Go Back Home (or never leave...)". It's almost finished and being edited as you are reading this.. The problem is that there will be at least 2 more edits and the proposed launch date for my seminar is now early to mid-September.The book will come out in eBook format first, audio book second and then probably in January 2012 in print.

This topic is too important to the people out there who are going through these particular types of life changes for this book and workbook to be anything other than perfect. So I'd rather wait a month that to have someone miss out on a important point and have their "blended family" relationship fall apart or worse.

Being a person who is presently living in a "blended family" situation and living in 2 cities this topic is important.

There are a 9 seats left for the Friday Class. I kept the class small so I can work with everyone and if most of them bring spouses and or family members the class could double pretty quickly.

Just in case you've been in a coma or on vacation, here's the link again.
as always if you need to get me, email is the best
Michael Harris, PhD

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