Friday, August 26, 2011

A Lesson About Power by Diane Armitage

I subscribe to lots of blogs and weekly emails. One of my Favorite's is Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day. I thought I'd share this incredible article with you and I highly recommend that you go to Diane Armitage's website or blog and say "hello". Her's links are at the bottom of this article.
talk to you soon,
Michael Harris, PhD

A Lesson About Power
For several months now, I've been running trails on a big hill here in Laguna Beach, and I've seen all sorts of wild life. I've even had a coyote run alongside me for nearly a quarter mile . just loping along, acting like some kind of pet. I've rustled up beautiful foxes, mule deer and reticent bobcats, too. While there are hikers and mountain bikers on the same hill, I can run a good mile or two without seeing anyone in sight. (This does not make my mother very happy, but I love the mind break I get from it.)

This Saturday, I was in for a bit of a surprise.
I had taken a cut-across path to a rarely used fire trail on a very steep hill. Fortunately, my running path takes me DOWN it as I initially tried to go UP it a few times and decided that "down" was a MUCH better plan.

On Saturday, I had trotted about a third of the way down the hill when I spotted an animal about 30 yards ahead of me, heading down the same fire trail. On first glimpse of its tawny body, I thought I'd come across a fox. "Wow, look at that fox. I'll run behind THAT!" I thought to myself as I continued to scamper down the hill. Another 10 yards and I pulled up short - A fox? Not so much. This was a full-grown mountain lion.

At first, I was struck with awe. I watched her trotting ahead, oblivious to me, and couldn't believe how majestic she looked. I have a love for big cats and, in fact, have "adopted" the two Bengal tigers Michael Jackson used to own before turning them over to a lovely big cat preserve - -just north of L.A. I visit "Sabu" and "Thriller," and hang out with their lion, panther and cheetah friends, too.
Those tigers and big cats at Shambala, though, . they're behind really tall, sturdy fences.

This was the SECOND thought I had as I stood there, plain as day, admiring this wild cat. It suddenly occurred to me that I was completely isolated on a very big hill with a path of little resistance between a mountain lion and myself.

I began to back up the hill, hoping I'd make progress without her noticing me. The hill was so steep, however, that it was terribly slow going. So, against everything I've learned about mountain lions/big cats, I turned with my back to her and started running (at a surprising Olympic sprinter's pace) straight up this terribly steep hill. I figured I needed to get as much distance between the two of us as possible.

About 20 yards higher, I turned to see what the mountain lion was doing. She had stopped and turned so that I could see her entire body profile and, with tail twitching lazily ("Just like the movies," my mindless mind chittered), she was watching me.

I put my hands high in the air to make myself look bigger, ha .she probably thought I was flagging her down . and turned around again to keep scrambling up the hill.
A second peek - she was still standing there, motionless except for that twitching tail. I finally reached the cut-across path that would set me on the fire trail back to the ranger station and tried another peek. This time, she was gone.

This gave me NO peace whatsoever.

Mountain lions can purportedly cover 40 feet in a single hop and NOW I was surrounded by high grass and shrubbery on the cut-across. I sent up a quick notice to my guardian angels and kept running.

Obviously, she and I didn't meet again, or I likely wouldn't be writing this to you from the comfort of my living room.

After reporting her . (The rangers kept asking, "Are you sure you know the wildlife here? Are you sure it wasn't a coyote? Maybe a bunny?") . I thought of the book I love, Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak."

As a Native American Indian, Andrews provides an encyclopedia of birds and animals, and the lore and message each carries for you when they suddenly cross your path. These might be animals or birds you see fairly regularly, but in certain circumstances, they're suddenly acting differently, drawing your attention to them.

Whenever my "pet Osprey" comes back to roost on my deck, or a hummingbird allows me to rescue it from entrapment in a skylight, or a coyote decides to just jump out of the bush to lope next to me, I figure Ted Andrews' book will provide some entertaining food for thought. In most cases, though, the "message" smacks me right between the eyes.

Per Andrews, a mountain lion sighting (or cougar to the Indians) means this "If a cougar has shown up in your life, it is time to learn about and test your power. When cougars show up, understand that much of your trial has been worked through. Now it is time to assert. Know your power, believe in your power, and take action."

"The cougar teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power. A cougar does not hesitate. The cougar teaches you how to bring out your power and fill your heart with it in a manner that will enable you to take charge of your life."

All right. Fine. Another smack between the eyes for me.

I don't need to fill you in on what I've been struggling with lately over the past few weeks, but I'll just say for the record that there's not another bird or animal in that book that could have carried a more fitting message my way.

Isn't it amazing, though, how we can so mindlessly relinquish the awesome power that imbues each of us?
These days, so many people are screaming that the sky is falling, and so many media talking heads are repeating the same grim "facts" that it's very easy to get caught up in it. We simply forget ourselves; we forget that we are wonderfully made and fully alive with the ability to single-handedly change the course of our lives. As Rev. Michael Beckwith says, "We forget WHO we are and WHOSE we are."

Bob Proctor always teaches that, in times like these, the LAST thing you want to do is pull back or retract. Whatever you might be putting off doing or starting. . whatever you're procrastinating on or feeling uncomfortable about . take a moment to really look at all the reasons you're giving yourself for not taking that action.

Why are you hesitating?

When I think back to that mountain lion watching me, there was no hesitation in her stance. She wasn't letting ME know what she had decided, but she had already made her decision. This wasn't about her questioning whether or not she could bound up the same hill I was achingly scrabbling up -questioning her power wasn't even part of the equation.

If you stopped questioning your own power, where would YOU be?
Diane Armitage

About the Author:
Diane Armitage - - is a renowned marketing writer, Internet strategist and fixer of lame web sites. When she's not coming to clients' web site rescue, she can be found writing mounds of copy for her popular blog, and traveling/writing for entities and causes around the world. Contact her at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Moving the Whole Tractor" by Michael Harris, PhD & Jan Saeger, MNLP

Great Wednesday to you all!

I was talking today to a friend of mine and NLP colleague, Jan Saeger (pronounced YON SAY-GER), about some new stuff he's working on with his "Global Contextual Shift" pattern (see video) I think he's really come up with some interesting new goodies. For those of you who attended my "Sensory Styles" Class this month; you'll really get this.

The Global Context Shift pattern in a nutshell, is a technique that allows people to breakthrough the barriers that exist between what is "real and possible for them" and what is "real and possible for others. As with many things in hypnosis and NLP, sometimes one person just hears about "X" makes a change and they HAVE IT for the rest of their lives and then cures some dread disease that has eluded mankind for millennium while someone else goes to a practitioner over and over for weeks, months or years. So what's the difference between the two people?

One of things that Jan has discovered is that with some people (generally highly creative people) they need a complete VAK (or VKA, AVK, AKV, KAV, KVA) pattern in order to make whatever shifts that they need to break through the barriers. The letters represent the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mental processes and how people organize that information in their minds dictates everything they do believe or are willing to believe.Jan's latest postulation is that this complete pattern (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) is what is keeping the person from making and keeping the changes that they have requested. 

It's kind of like moving a tractor one piece at a time to a new location. For the person with this pattern as soon as you move the pieces to the new location; a replace part is already back on the tractor in the old location. So you could create and entire pseudo-tractor in the resource area that you're working on and it still will not be "real" to the person unless the whole pattern moves at the same time. This why sometimes people get a change for a time, but it doesn't "stick".

This might sound a little confusing; here's an example. I used to work with Junior Olympic Athletes for Enhanced Performance. If you have someone that has NEVER WON ANYTHING in their entire gymnastic career and it can be quite a trick to convince them that they can. The best method or solution is to access something they have won (could be anything a test at school, a raffle, etc.) and get the pattern from that win and MAP IT OVER TO THE NEW CONTEXT. If you do it just by sheer will power or by pretending it will not be real enough for the mind to accept it and the unconscious mind will reject the new pattern or programming, regardless of how congruently the person consciously wants it. 

The only exception is for kids under the age of 7. Their minds (corpus callosum) are not completely developed and have difficulty differentiating between real and imagined states. This is the reason that hypnosis is so effective. It suspends "disbelief" for a short while and allows the person to proceed "as if" but there is always the possibility of rejection, etc.

Now with this new pattern that Jan is working on, we maybe able to skip right over to keeping the change part without having to redo the pattern over and over. I will post more about this later as we workout the conversational language patterns for this but for now this what we have.

If you have an interest in NLP modeling or experimental hypnosis and want to know more about this topic you can contact me Michael Harris or contact Jan Saeger

here's the link again for the Global Contextual Shift Pattern

talk to you soon

Michael Harris, PhD

About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach. This new technology will allow you to know how you process information, in which sensory style, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how specifically to communicate to others in a way that is both beneficial and effective.

Biography - Michael Harris has been in and around the Dallas/Ft. worth area for the last 25 years. He has been published in the Dallas Morning News, Health and Fitness, Bally's Total Fitness, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. He has been the subject on fitness coaching and personal performance in January of 91, on the local news. Michael is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last Chance for Sensory Styles Class...

We had a request on Friday night by several people who couldn't attend the Saturday for me to offer another class.

This Wednesday night from 630 to 9 (CST)
I will be offering the Advanced Sensory Styles Class:

You will learn:

What your primary and secondary Sensory Styles are

How to see and hear other people's Sensory Styles and what you can do with that information to improve communication, increase business, solve family and relationship conflicts and much more...

You can also use Sensory Styles to help yourself (or others) set more effective goals and intentions

this class is one night only and will not be repeated until February 2012
RSVP now only 10 seats left!

Advanced Sensory Styles Class - What they are... How to use them by Michael Harris, PhD

Just what the heck is a Sensory Style? That's a good question. Here's the answer.

All of us use all five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory) to move our way around the planet, live our lives and talk to other people, etc. wouldn't be great if we knew what combination of senses we use? And what the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are inherent in each of the individual styles?

My main focus on Sensory Styles is about PERSONAL PERFORMANCE and RELATIONSHIP ISSUES and BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. Once you know how they work you can utilize them in any context of your life to improve motivation, solve problems in advance and get along with just about anyone..

If you want to attend this class click to RSVP on FaceBook or send me an email.

see you Wednesday night
Michael Harris, PhD

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good News from Zoe Routh!

I've just heard that my friend and colleague Zoe Routh is offering a rare free community call on "Get Wealthy, Healthy, and Hot".

Zoe is sharing all her insider secrets that helped her transform her life. She overcame what she considers the Mount Everest of limiting beliefs:

* From poverty mindset to abundant money and a lifestyle to match
* From poor body image and cancer to radiant energy and vitality
* From self-doubt to magnetic confidence.

If you want to get some of that mojo, make sure you join her on this exclusive call on Wednesday August 10.

Sign up and reserve your spot on the call here:

Enjoy and 'see' you there!

Michel Harris, PhD

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Keeping Your Cool

Have you ever noticed that it's easier it is to lose your temper when the temperature climbs? During summertime, fiery pitta dosha dominates, and if you are not careful to balance that heat, it could lead to all sorts of maladies, including indigestion, inflammation, skin irritation, mental aggravation, and even aggression. One of the best ways to get back into balance is by consuming pitta-harmonizing foods like raw fruits and vegetables.
In this issue of My Yoga Journal, learn what foods and spices are best for taming pitta. Then Ayurvedic practitioner Scott Blossom shares which asanas to perform in the heat, and how practicing loving kindness can also soothe aggravated pitta dosha. Also, enjoy cooler temps and reconnect with nature by taking your practice to the beach!
Do you enjoy Bikram or another heated yoga style (like my friends at SunStone Yoga? If so pay attention to these important pointers that can help you to avoid dehydration and cramps, exhaustion, and heatstroke that can sometimes result. Finally, nothing says summer like relaxing outdoors with a good book. If you'd like to expand your yoga knowledge this summer, check out these recommended selections.

Additional links:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Website Update!

Well it's taken a while but I've almost got the old "new" website updated.
I still need to get the old articles up on the site and the new ones will go to this blog.

I'm very please to say I have a simple yet functional shopping cart up again.
This where all those new audios are going after their once week is up on the front page.
Remember every Friday I post a new hypnosis or meditation audio notification through the email.

If you aren't on the mailing list click here or send me an email to my super secret email list.

For those of you who've signed up for the class this Friday I'll see you between 6 and 630 pm (CST)
at the Rabbit Hole (here's the map) If you haven't RSVP'd there may still be some seats available. I know a couple of people had to re-schedule for February so get on it if you're going.

New Info!
I'm going to begin a Ascension Meditation on Monday nights at The Rabbit Hole. It will be the first three Mondays of the month. The first one is FREE and after that it will be $10 a month or if you wish to donate there will be a place you can do that. I'll post more about this next week. I'm pretty focused on the class Friday and Saturday

That's all for now if you have a question or a suggestion about the Friday hypnosis or meditation audio
as always, send me an email

Michael Harris, PhD