Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last Chance for Sensory Styles Class...

We had a request on Friday night by several people who couldn't attend the Saturday for me to offer another class.

This Wednesday night from 630 to 9 (CST)
I will be offering the Advanced Sensory Styles Class:

You will learn:

What your primary and secondary Sensory Styles are

How to see and hear other people's Sensory Styles and what you can do with that information to improve communication, increase business, solve family and relationship conflicts and much more...

You can also use Sensory Styles to help yourself (or others) set more effective goals and intentions

this class is one night only and will not be repeated until February 2012
RSVP now only 10 seats left!

Advanced Sensory Styles Class - What they are... How to use them by Michael Harris, PhD

Just what the heck is a Sensory Style? That's a good question. Here's the answer.

All of us use all five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory) to move our way around the planet, live our lives and talk to other people, etc. wouldn't be great if we knew what combination of senses we use? And what the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are inherent in each of the individual styles?

My main focus on Sensory Styles is about PERSONAL PERFORMANCE and RELATIONSHIP ISSUES and BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. Once you know how they work you can utilize them in any context of your life to improve motivation, solve problems in advance and get along with just about anyone..

If you want to attend this class click to RSVP on FaceBook or send me an email.

see you Wednesday night
Michael Harris, PhD

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