Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Story - November 18, 2011 by Michael Harris, PhD

It's been a while since I posted I've been working on a few things that I'll say more about in future posts.

For today I thought I'd repeat a great story I heard my friend George tell me on our last Mastermind call.

A traveling salesman was on his regular route to see his usual customers and decided to go visit a guy whom
he hadn't seen in quite sometime.The man lived in a dilapidated old house, down a dirt road but this customer was very friendly and had always paid cash.

As was usual, the old man was sitting on his porch and "whittling" on a scrap of wood when the salesman arrived. They talked about this and that and were enjoying the visit. Every now and then, the old dog laying on the porch would lift his head up and howl for a couple of seconds, lay back down and go back to sleep.

The conversation continued about the old man's children and grandchildren, how the crops were doing and what type of summer and winter the old man thought he was going to have. Once again the dog lifted his head up and howled for a few seconds and then layed his head back down.

This interaction between the two men and the dog continued for while until the salesman asked finally had to ask the old man "what was wrong with the dog?"

The old man looked at the dog for a couple of seconds and said, "he's laying on a nail and I'm pretty sure that it hurts, but it doesn't hurt enough for him to get up and move".

The next time you hear someone complaining about their life, their situations or challenges ask them this "if it hurts so much why don't you get off that nail"?

have a great weekend
Michael Harris, PhD

Saturday, October 8, 2011

M.C. Hammer, world's greatest hypnotist!

I don't know if anyone can really know how much fun my job really is. I was working with someone the other day and we were doing a pattern interrupt on a unresourceful emotional state (aka bad feeling).

Part of the process is that when the person is right at the beginning of the (bad) feeling you say "STOP".
and then you have them access a resourceful feeling. The process continues again and again until a new response is conditioned in place of the "old" less resourceful feeling.

The fun part was everytime I said "STOP", I kept hearing M.C. Hammer from the old 80's video. I was thinking what a great way to interrupt a automatic unresourceful state and turn it into a something much better.

Listen to this crazy video and the next time you feel yourself slipping into something other than a great feeling... JUST STOP AND HAMMER TIME. The people around you may be wondering what you're smiling at but they don't really need to know now do they?

About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach and internationally known hypnotist, speaker and author.
He is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Story... Tribute to Steve Jobs

(re-posted from and big thank you to Bob Proctor)

Steve Jobs gave this as his second story of his Commencement Address at Stanford University on June 12, 2005.

Love and Loss

I was lucky. I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation - the Macintosh - a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started?

Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me - I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT.

I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple.It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking.

Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

Steve Jobs

my final thoughts on the life and times of Steve Jobs are that it doesn't matter who is on or off your side while you live your dream... what matters is the value that living your dream brings...

Michael Harris, PhD

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Review - Monster and Magical Sticks by Steven Heller, PhD

I read a great book this week called Monsters and Magical Sticks by Steven Heller, PhD
Here's a quick story (paraphrased) from the book...

A little boy, 3-4 years old, decided that overnight while the lights were off his baseball and football became monsters. He 'saw' them coming to life; they looked evil and were trying to get him.The parents decided, instead of spending lots of time, money and years of therapy  trying to convince their son that: 
A) there were no such thing as monsters
B) he needed to search the depth of his feeling about fears/anger/hostilities/insecurities
C) he would need years to learn how to "cope" with his fear of monsters

instead decided to create a positive solution for this 4 year-olds dilemma.

They made a magical stick from a dowel with purple velvet and covered and lined a wooden box.
They then told their son they have gone to a magic doctor and purchased this box with instructions of how to rid his room of monsters. With  a solemn ceremony and great determination the boy took the stick, went around the room and in eat corner of the room said "the magic words".

That night there were no nightmares or sudden awakening. The second night the procedure was repeated and so on with the 3 night. After the 4th night the "magical stick" seems to end up in the corner with some other toys and there were no additional reports of bad dreams. 

Two weeks later, the boy told the parents their could give the "magic box and stick" back to the magic doctor, because he "no longer needed it".

I cannot imagine a better way to explain the value or procedure known as "hypnosis".
It is the job of the hypnotist, coach or mental health professional to stay of the "content" or story of the subject and find a way to make the subject reality work, that's hypnosis!
Take the time, buy this book you will find so wonderful stories and methods of solving long-term issues in a way that might surprise you of how easy it was to FEEL GOOD.

click on the book picture if you like to read additional reviews or maybe BUY THE BOOK
but that's just a suggestion

Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach. This new technology will allow you to know how you process information, in which sensory style, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how specifically to communicate to others in a way that is both beneficial and effective.

Biography - Michael Harris has been in and around the Dallas/Ft. worth area for the last 25 years. He has been published in the Dallas Morning News, Health and Fitness, Bally's Total Fitness, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. He has been the subject on fitness coaching and personal performance in January of 91, on the local news. Michael is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Lesson About Power by Diane Armitage

I subscribe to lots of blogs and weekly emails. One of my Favorite's is Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day. I thought I'd share this incredible article with you and I highly recommend that you go to Diane Armitage's website or blog and say "hello". Her's links are at the bottom of this article.
talk to you soon,
Michael Harris, PhD

A Lesson About Power
For several months now, I've been running trails on a big hill here in Laguna Beach, and I've seen all sorts of wild life. I've even had a coyote run alongside me for nearly a quarter mile . just loping along, acting like some kind of pet. I've rustled up beautiful foxes, mule deer and reticent bobcats, too. While there are hikers and mountain bikers on the same hill, I can run a good mile or two without seeing anyone in sight. (This does not make my mother very happy, but I love the mind break I get from it.)

This Saturday, I was in for a bit of a surprise.
I had taken a cut-across path to a rarely used fire trail on a very steep hill. Fortunately, my running path takes me DOWN it as I initially tried to go UP it a few times and decided that "down" was a MUCH better plan.

On Saturday, I had trotted about a third of the way down the hill when I spotted an animal about 30 yards ahead of me, heading down the same fire trail. On first glimpse of its tawny body, I thought I'd come across a fox. "Wow, look at that fox. I'll run behind THAT!" I thought to myself as I continued to scamper down the hill. Another 10 yards and I pulled up short - A fox? Not so much. This was a full-grown mountain lion.

At first, I was struck with awe. I watched her trotting ahead, oblivious to me, and couldn't believe how majestic she looked. I have a love for big cats and, in fact, have "adopted" the two Bengal tigers Michael Jackson used to own before turning them over to a lovely big cat preserve - -just north of L.A. I visit "Sabu" and "Thriller," and hang out with their lion, panther and cheetah friends, too.
Those tigers and big cats at Shambala, though, . they're behind really tall, sturdy fences.

This was the SECOND thought I had as I stood there, plain as day, admiring this wild cat. It suddenly occurred to me that I was completely isolated on a very big hill with a path of little resistance between a mountain lion and myself.

I began to back up the hill, hoping I'd make progress without her noticing me. The hill was so steep, however, that it was terribly slow going. So, against everything I've learned about mountain lions/big cats, I turned with my back to her and started running (at a surprising Olympic sprinter's pace) straight up this terribly steep hill. I figured I needed to get as much distance between the two of us as possible.

About 20 yards higher, I turned to see what the mountain lion was doing. She had stopped and turned so that I could see her entire body profile and, with tail twitching lazily ("Just like the movies," my mindless mind chittered), she was watching me.

I put my hands high in the air to make myself look bigger, ha .she probably thought I was flagging her down . and turned around again to keep scrambling up the hill.
A second peek - she was still standing there, motionless except for that twitching tail. I finally reached the cut-across path that would set me on the fire trail back to the ranger station and tried another peek. This time, she was gone.

This gave me NO peace whatsoever.

Mountain lions can purportedly cover 40 feet in a single hop and NOW I was surrounded by high grass and shrubbery on the cut-across. I sent up a quick notice to my guardian angels and kept running.

Obviously, she and I didn't meet again, or I likely wouldn't be writing this to you from the comfort of my living room.

After reporting her . (The rangers kept asking, "Are you sure you know the wildlife here? Are you sure it wasn't a coyote? Maybe a bunny?") . I thought of the book I love, Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak."

As a Native American Indian, Andrews provides an encyclopedia of birds and animals, and the lore and message each carries for you when they suddenly cross your path. These might be animals or birds you see fairly regularly, but in certain circumstances, they're suddenly acting differently, drawing your attention to them.

Whenever my "pet Osprey" comes back to roost on my deck, or a hummingbird allows me to rescue it from entrapment in a skylight, or a coyote decides to just jump out of the bush to lope next to me, I figure Ted Andrews' book will provide some entertaining food for thought. In most cases, though, the "message" smacks me right between the eyes.

Per Andrews, a mountain lion sighting (or cougar to the Indians) means this "If a cougar has shown up in your life, it is time to learn about and test your power. When cougars show up, understand that much of your trial has been worked through. Now it is time to assert. Know your power, believe in your power, and take action."

"The cougar teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power. A cougar does not hesitate. The cougar teaches you how to bring out your power and fill your heart with it in a manner that will enable you to take charge of your life."

All right. Fine. Another smack between the eyes for me.

I don't need to fill you in on what I've been struggling with lately over the past few weeks, but I'll just say for the record that there's not another bird or animal in that book that could have carried a more fitting message my way.

Isn't it amazing, though, how we can so mindlessly relinquish the awesome power that imbues each of us?
These days, so many people are screaming that the sky is falling, and so many media talking heads are repeating the same grim "facts" that it's very easy to get caught up in it. We simply forget ourselves; we forget that we are wonderfully made and fully alive with the ability to single-handedly change the course of our lives. As Rev. Michael Beckwith says, "We forget WHO we are and WHOSE we are."

Bob Proctor always teaches that, in times like these, the LAST thing you want to do is pull back or retract. Whatever you might be putting off doing or starting. . whatever you're procrastinating on or feeling uncomfortable about . take a moment to really look at all the reasons you're giving yourself for not taking that action.

Why are you hesitating?

When I think back to that mountain lion watching me, there was no hesitation in her stance. She wasn't letting ME know what she had decided, but she had already made her decision. This wasn't about her questioning whether or not she could bound up the same hill I was achingly scrabbling up -questioning her power wasn't even part of the equation.

If you stopped questioning your own power, where would YOU be?
Diane Armitage

About the Author:
Diane Armitage - - is a renowned marketing writer, Internet strategist and fixer of lame web sites. When she's not coming to clients' web site rescue, she can be found writing mounds of copy for her popular blog, and traveling/writing for entities and causes around the world. Contact her at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Moving the Whole Tractor" by Michael Harris, PhD & Jan Saeger, MNLP

Great Wednesday to you all!

I was talking today to a friend of mine and NLP colleague, Jan Saeger (pronounced YON SAY-GER), about some new stuff he's working on with his "Global Contextual Shift" pattern (see video) I think he's really come up with some interesting new goodies. For those of you who attended my "Sensory Styles" Class this month; you'll really get this.

The Global Context Shift pattern in a nutshell, is a technique that allows people to breakthrough the barriers that exist between what is "real and possible for them" and what is "real and possible for others. As with many things in hypnosis and NLP, sometimes one person just hears about "X" makes a change and they HAVE IT for the rest of their lives and then cures some dread disease that has eluded mankind for millennium while someone else goes to a practitioner over and over for weeks, months or years. So what's the difference between the two people?

One of things that Jan has discovered is that with some people (generally highly creative people) they need a complete VAK (or VKA, AVK, AKV, KAV, KVA) pattern in order to make whatever shifts that they need to break through the barriers. The letters represent the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mental processes and how people organize that information in their minds dictates everything they do believe or are willing to believe.Jan's latest postulation is that this complete pattern (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) is what is keeping the person from making and keeping the changes that they have requested. 

It's kind of like moving a tractor one piece at a time to a new location. For the person with this pattern as soon as you move the pieces to the new location; a replace part is already back on the tractor in the old location. So you could create and entire pseudo-tractor in the resource area that you're working on and it still will not be "real" to the person unless the whole pattern moves at the same time. This why sometimes people get a change for a time, but it doesn't "stick".

This might sound a little confusing; here's an example. I used to work with Junior Olympic Athletes for Enhanced Performance. If you have someone that has NEVER WON ANYTHING in their entire gymnastic career and it can be quite a trick to convince them that they can. The best method or solution is to access something they have won (could be anything a test at school, a raffle, etc.) and get the pattern from that win and MAP IT OVER TO THE NEW CONTEXT. If you do it just by sheer will power or by pretending it will not be real enough for the mind to accept it and the unconscious mind will reject the new pattern or programming, regardless of how congruently the person consciously wants it. 

The only exception is for kids under the age of 7. Their minds (corpus callosum) are not completely developed and have difficulty differentiating between real and imagined states. This is the reason that hypnosis is so effective. It suspends "disbelief" for a short while and allows the person to proceed "as if" but there is always the possibility of rejection, etc.

Now with this new pattern that Jan is working on, we maybe able to skip right over to keeping the change part without having to redo the pattern over and over. I will post more about this later as we workout the conversational language patterns for this but for now this what we have.

If you have an interest in NLP modeling or experimental hypnosis and want to know more about this topic you can contact me Michael Harris or contact Jan Saeger

here's the link again for the Global Contextual Shift Pattern

talk to you soon

Michael Harris, PhD

About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach. This new technology will allow you to know how you process information, in which sensory style, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how specifically to communicate to others in a way that is both beneficial and effective.

Biography - Michael Harris has been in and around the Dallas/Ft. worth area for the last 25 years. He has been published in the Dallas Morning News, Health and Fitness, Bally's Total Fitness, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. He has been the subject on fitness coaching and personal performance in January of 91, on the local news. Michael is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last Chance for Sensory Styles Class...

We had a request on Friday night by several people who couldn't attend the Saturday for me to offer another class.

This Wednesday night from 630 to 9 (CST)
I will be offering the Advanced Sensory Styles Class:

You will learn:

What your primary and secondary Sensory Styles are

How to see and hear other people's Sensory Styles and what you can do with that information to improve communication, increase business, solve family and relationship conflicts and much more...

You can also use Sensory Styles to help yourself (or others) set more effective goals and intentions

this class is one night only and will not be repeated until February 2012
RSVP now only 10 seats left!

Advanced Sensory Styles Class - What they are... How to use them by Michael Harris, PhD

Just what the heck is a Sensory Style? That's a good question. Here's the answer.

All of us use all five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory) to move our way around the planet, live our lives and talk to other people, etc. wouldn't be great if we knew what combination of senses we use? And what the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are inherent in each of the individual styles?

My main focus on Sensory Styles is about PERSONAL PERFORMANCE and RELATIONSHIP ISSUES and BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. Once you know how they work you can utilize them in any context of your life to improve motivation, solve problems in advance and get along with just about anyone..

If you want to attend this class click to RSVP on FaceBook or send me an email.

see you Wednesday night
Michael Harris, PhD

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good News from Zoe Routh!

I've just heard that my friend and colleague Zoe Routh is offering a rare free community call on "Get Wealthy, Healthy, and Hot".

Zoe is sharing all her insider secrets that helped her transform her life. She overcame what she considers the Mount Everest of limiting beliefs:

* From poverty mindset to abundant money and a lifestyle to match
* From poor body image and cancer to radiant energy and vitality
* From self-doubt to magnetic confidence.

If you want to get some of that mojo, make sure you join her on this exclusive call on Wednesday August 10.

Sign up and reserve your spot on the call here:

Enjoy and 'see' you there!

Michel Harris, PhD

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Keeping Your Cool

Have you ever noticed that it's easier it is to lose your temper when the temperature climbs? During summertime, fiery pitta dosha dominates, and if you are not careful to balance that heat, it could lead to all sorts of maladies, including indigestion, inflammation, skin irritation, mental aggravation, and even aggression. One of the best ways to get back into balance is by consuming pitta-harmonizing foods like raw fruits and vegetables.
In this issue of My Yoga Journal, learn what foods and spices are best for taming pitta. Then Ayurvedic practitioner Scott Blossom shares which asanas to perform in the heat, and how practicing loving kindness can also soothe aggravated pitta dosha. Also, enjoy cooler temps and reconnect with nature by taking your practice to the beach!
Do you enjoy Bikram or another heated yoga style (like my friends at SunStone Yoga? If so pay attention to these important pointers that can help you to avoid dehydration and cramps, exhaustion, and heatstroke that can sometimes result. Finally, nothing says summer like relaxing outdoors with a good book. If you'd like to expand your yoga knowledge this summer, check out these recommended selections.

Additional links:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Website Update!

Well it's taken a while but I've almost got the old "new" website updated.
I still need to get the old articles up on the site and the new ones will go to this blog.

I'm very please to say I have a simple yet functional shopping cart up again.
This where all those new audios are going after their once week is up on the front page.
Remember every Friday I post a new hypnosis or meditation audio notification through the email.

If you aren't on the mailing list click here or send me an email to my super secret email list.

For those of you who've signed up for the class this Friday I'll see you between 6 and 630 pm (CST)
at the Rabbit Hole (here's the map) If you haven't RSVP'd there may still be some seats available. I know a couple of people had to re-schedule for February so get on it if you're going.

New Info!
I'm going to begin a Ascension Meditation on Monday nights at The Rabbit Hole. It will be the first three Mondays of the month. The first one is FREE and after that it will be $10 a month or if you wish to donate there will be a place you can do that. I'll post more about this next week. I'm pretty focused on the class Friday and Saturday

That's all for now if you have a question or a suggestion about the Friday hypnosis or meditation audio
as always, send me an email

Michael Harris, PhD

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Darwins are out ! ! !

Yes, it's that magical time of year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us.
Here is the glorious winner:
1. When his 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California  would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
And now, the honorable mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger.. The chef's claim was approved.

3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.

4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar,
a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped.   Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride.    He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies...... The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days.

5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train.     When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit.

6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change.   When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter.  The total amount of cash he got from the drawer... $15.  
[If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?]

7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run.  So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious.  The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape...
8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran.  The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied,  "Yes, officer, that's her.  That's the lady I stole the purse from."

9.. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti , Michigan at 5 A.M.,   flashed a gun, and demanded cash.   The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.   [*A 5-STAR STUPIDITY AWARD WINNER]

10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street by sucking on a hose, he got much more than he bargained for.. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake.   The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had and the perp had been punished enough! The robber was even more 'full of sh*t' than usual.

In the interest of bettering mankind, please share these with friends and family....unless of course one of these individuals by chance is a distant relative or long lost friend. In that case, be glad they are distant and hope they remain lost.

*** Remember . . .
They walk among us, they can reproduce

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Best Bunny Story Ever by Michael Harris, PhD

A client of mine told me this story today; I thought I would share it.

She has a brother she visits in Houston and while walking on the beach he tells her about his next-door-neighbor and a "strange thing" that happened during the summer.

The brother’s neighbor comes over and asks if the brother would look after their home and pick-up the mail while they were on vacation for a week. The brother says “yes” and notes that they didn’t ask him to watch after the bunny that he knows is in a cage in their backyard. He remembered thinking it unusual but not strange.

The following morning he is about to check on the neighbor’s house and pick-up their mail before he goes to work when out of the corner of his eye; he sees his chocolate labrador retriever playing in the backyard with “something”. The dog is obviously having a great time throwing “something” into the air and catching it while racing wildly through the yard.

Going into the backyard calls the dog over to him and discovers to his shock, that the dog is playing with a very wet and now, very dead bunny. Horrified at what the neighbor is going to think he takes the limp bunny from the dog into the kitchen to think about what he’s going to do.

He decides to wash the bunny and even though it’s dead, he’s going to put it back into the cage and act like nothing happened. So, after a thorough washing and blow-drying of this now deceased bunny, back the bunny goes into the cage, while the brother can do nothing except wait for the neighbor’s return.

A week later, the neighbor returns and come over to thank the brother for watching the house and picking up the mail. The brother says “anytime” and offers nothing else to that part of the conversation. They continue to have coffee and chat about the vacation until it’s time for the neighbor to leave.

The neighbor says, “you know, the only strange thing about this vacation was that the night before we left our bunny died”. We buried him in the backyard and although the kids were upset by the time we got back; they were kind of over the loss of their pet and looking forward to getting a new bunny. The really strange thing was when we got back home, the bunny was back in the cage and it looked like he had been to the beauty parlor.

Feel free to pass this one around, I have laughed that hard in a while.

Michael Harris, PhD

Friday, July 22, 2011

Clearing the confusion...

There also has been some confusion about tonight's class... THERE ISN'T A CLASS TONIGHT.
I was thinking about doing one and had scheduled the room, I just never got around to posting an event invitation on Facebook.

I have several people contact me about the seminar "Sensory Styles" on August 5th (6:30 to 9ish CST)
and yes, there is a class on the 6th (9am-1pm (CST) which will give more detail about Sensory Styles
and Meta-Beliefs and Meta Rules (if you want more information on these, you have to attend the class).

I've been working on my book "When kids Go Back Home (or never leave...)". It's almost finished and being edited as you are reading this.. The problem is that there will be at least 2 more edits and the proposed launch date for my seminar is now early to mid-September.The book will come out in eBook format first, audio book second and then probably in January 2012 in print.

This topic is too important to the people out there who are going through these particular types of life changes for this book and workbook to be anything other than perfect. So I'd rather wait a month that to have someone miss out on a important point and have their "blended family" relationship fall apart or worse.

Being a person who is presently living in a "blended family" situation and living in 2 cities this topic is important.

There are a 9 seats left for the Friday Class. I kept the class small so I can work with everyone and if most of them bring spouses and or family members the class could double pretty quickly.

Just in case you've been in a coma or on vacation, here's the link again.
as always if you need to get me, email is the best
Michael Harris, PhD

Thursday, July 21, 2011

3-Steps To Asking Better Questions by Michael Harris, PhD

Everyone knows one of THOSE PEOPLE; someone whose language patterns are so negative that you wonder if anyone can help them out of their “self-imposed messes” that they have created. I get those too, not a lot of them, but occasionally.

I have a client that for a while now; I’ve been attempting to help with their present issues without much movement one way or another.

Generally, my solution when I encounter people or clients like that is LET THEM GO. I figure that whatever the missing resonance is, has to do with our empathetic connection. Unless I have that connection with someone, they would be better served seeking another professional other than me.

I let them go so they can seek out the correct therapist with the correct resonance. In this case, I chose to stay engaged a little longer even though the progress the client was making (or wasn’t making) was unacceptable based on their goals and intentions.

Today was the day that the breakthrough occurred! It was, of course, something simple as it usually is and I thought I would save you some time by JUST TELLING YOU the solution…ASK BETTER QUESTIONS.

Asking better questions is the process of COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE of whatever is going on and wondering what the “learning” is going to be.

In this case, I asked the client to place their hand on the area of their body where they were experiencing an emotion and ask this question, “WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THIS? Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is. It is so simple that I’m considering slapping my forehead at the ease that the client switched gears after asking that question aloud.

I thought I would just give you the 3-step process. The process will allow you to GET SOME TRACTION whenever you have a emotion that is bogging you down or you need to make an important decision that you have as yet to make. ASK A BETTER QUESTION and you’ll get a better answer.

3-Steps to Asking Better Questions

Step #1
Identify the thought AND emotion that is associated with this problem, issue or decision that you are experiencing. Words, pictures in our heads are ALL linked to emotional responses, whether we pay attention to the emotions or not.
WORDS MEAN THINGS to us, other people and most importantly to our physiology.
Pick ONLY ONE emotion at a time and if you have to repeat this process with another emotion FINISH THIS PROCESS FIRST before going after the next feeling or emotion.

Step #2
Notice where in your body that you are experiencing this emotion. It could be in your heart, your head, in the abdominal region or anywhere. Once you have identified this emotion in your body PUT YOUR HAND ON IT.

Step #3
Ask this question. WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THIS? Asking this question, in this manner requires your brain to search for answers in different areas of your brain. This can happen immediately or can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of days depending on the seriousness of the decision or complexity of the emotion. However long it takes… that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you begin asking the question and KEEP ASKING UNTIL YOU GET AN ANSWER.

Our brains are designed to store information and retrieve it. By asking better questions, we are actually giving our minds something to do rather than hyper-focus on a problem. The syntax of the question actually does the reverse. This question hyper-focuses you on finding an answer to the question. By framing problems and difficulties as learning events, it allows to minamalize the problem and maximizes finding the solution.

Once your BRAIN GETS THE HINT that you’re going to DO THIS EVERYTIME you have a problem or need to make a decision, it will START DOING THIS AUTOMATICALLY.

If you need more information on this topic or just want to have a conversation about how coaching can improve your decision-making processes send me an email to, I’ll be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

About the Author:

Michael Harris, PhD is Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transition, Life and Business Coach. Who specializes in personal performance, conflict resolution and life planning.

Click here to receive the FREE Audio book series “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Waddles (,

To fastrack your success…
Listen to his BlogTalk Radio Show ( or email ( for more information

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Website update, Seminars and other randoms

another title for this blog is... CLOUD SERVERS SUCK!

About 3 months ago, I suggested that my website would be back up and running like a well-oiled machine.
As you can see it's still not up. Although I'd like to blame my awesome IT person, Cathy, it's totally not her fault. The hosting company we've been using decided it would be a "great idea" to switch all of the users to "the cloud" (come on... you've seen the commercials).

What they forgot to mention in the commercials is that if you have lots of dynamic content, PHP or ASP your website will NOT WORK! It may be a great idea if you have a static website and only make changes occasionally but if you update regularly, or have lots of video, audio or cool backend IT stuff... DON'T USE THE CLOUD.

According to Cathy, the wonder girl, the problem is fixed and we will soon resume regular service. (whenever that happens). In the meantime you can always find me on FaceBook or send me an email

If you really want the scooby on "the cloud" and whether or not it's a good choice for you; check out my friends Dan and Jennifer's website for a good video on this topic.

Also in the news. I have a new office so now people can actually see me in person, rather than just by phone or Skype. The address is 1113 Hampshire Richardson, TX. The place is called "The Rabbit Hole" and has lots of other healers, mediums and there is a cool storefront for all of your basic healer and spiritual needs. I'm in a back office hidden away so I don't scare the guests. (you know... hypnotist)

For those in the the DFW area that's right off 75 and Arapaho so I'm pretty central to everyone.
things are doing pretty well here and I'm almost unpacked so no one will be allowed in the back office until there's actually room to move or sit down.

I'm also beginning my monthly seminar schedule for the Fall with a Sensory Styles class on August 5th. A free lecture followed by a class on Saturday August 6th. I'm also starting weekly classes as a way for people to increase their knowledge on the topics of the classes. You know how much I'm a fan of repetition and I believe the more you repeat a learning the more you learn each time.

If you'd like to attend the class here's the link on FaceBook there are at present only 11 seats left and when they are gone... you'll have to wait until next quarter; so don't be THAT guy.
It seems that things are moving well so that's it for now.

I'll talk to you soon
Michael Harris, PhD

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sensory Styles - What they are... How to use them by Michael Harris, PhD

Just what the heck is a Sensory Style? That's a good question. Here's the answer.

All of us use all five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory) to move our way
around the planet, live our lives and talk to other people, etc. wouldn't be great if we knew what combination of senses we use? And what the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are inherent in each of the individual styles?

On Monday night, August 1st, 2011 I will be talking about Sensory Styles with my friend Jack on my BLOGTALK RADIO SHOW (listen to the show). I also may have a couple of OTHER experts (jury still out on that) who will talk about how they use Sensory Styles in the BUSINESS world. My main focus on Sensory Styles is about PERSONAL PERFORMANCE and RELATIONSHIP ISSUES. But once you know how they work you can utilize them in any context of your life.

At the end of the show, I'm going to give you a link to signup for a FREE SEMINAR on Sensory Styles that I'm presenting at the Rabbit Hole (my office) 1113 Hamshire Ln, Richardson TX 75080 August 5th, 2011.
Seating will be limited to FIRST 20 people.This lecture will be an overview of what Sensory Styles are and what individual primary and secondary Sensory Styles you use.

There will be a ADVANCED CLASS on Sensory Styles on Saturday August 6th from 9 to 12 (CST).
In this class, you will be taught HOW TO USE SENSORY STYLES and how ELLICT CONVERSATIONALLY OTHER PEOPLE'S SENSORY STYLES. This is extremely useful  in business as well as in personal relationships. Knowing what someone's Sensory Style is makes it easier to engage and get along at a level that until now you haven't experienced.
What to know more? Come to the class.
RSVP FACEBOOK or you can send me an email now

Talk to you soon
Michael Harris, PhD

Are You Revealing TOO Much? 5 Steps to Telling the Truth - By Karen Keller

This is an interesting article I thought I'd share it.
I'm not certain I'd agree with everything the author says verbatim. Although, I have a huge proponent of keeping your verbal and non-verbal communication congruent as she alludes to in Step 4.

My criteria for truth telling borders on the militant and if people aren't ready for the truth, then they probably shouldn't ask you questions. I would be interested in your opinion... comment here or send me an email.

thanks for reading
Michael Harris, PhD

here's the article - Are You Revealing TOO Much? 5 Steps to Telling the Truth - By Karen Keller

When is enough enough? Is your 'truth-telling' getting you in trouble? What happens when you first meet someone? Do you get diarrhea of the mouth? Do you clam up not saying a word?

There's a fine balance between truthfully representing your personality and making a good first impression. You need to choose your words carefully and give the right 'spin' -- yes, spin. This is where you begin to shape the perception others will have of you.

Two things cause perception. Your experiences and what people show you. For instance, you see someone walking down the street in a three-piece suit, and based on your experiences you think he is a successful, educated, intelligent person because that's what you learned to think. And you think that because of what he is showing you.

Later you see the same person wearing the same suit but this time he walks into a porn shop. What do you think of him then? Yes, your perception was again altered based on your experiences and what he showed you.

Is truth-telling always the best?

How does all of this affect truth-telling? What you say and how you behave creates a perception of you that may or may not be true. So what's the problem? Why not always tell the truth? Of course, but are there times when too much is unnecessary or harmful.

Do they really need to know the past relationship issues you had with their boss? Is it helpful to you making everyone aware of the mistakes you made with a certain team member? No. But many people self-disclose to their own detriment.

There are 5 steps to follow when considering the time (and what) to self-disclose:
Step 1: Always ask yourself, "Is this information something I wouldn't mind seeing as the lead story on tonight's news?"
How many times have you reheard a story about you that drained the color from your face? What you put out there on Facebook, twitter, email, etc. is permanently out there. Your first time conversations are no different. Think ahead and be smart.
Step 2: Know what is interesting about yourself that you can share.
Be prepared. Make a list of your history, your stories, the details, the humorous and the serious. Be different. Everyone wants to be the 'go to' person but what is it specifically you are doing that will make you that person? What will stand out? Is "I have been married" more interesting than "I just divorced my 6th husband?" Which one gets your attention?
Step 3: Flatter them.
It's not all about you. What unique question do you want them to answer? Practice the 80/20 rule - 80 percent about them and 20 percent about you. That's why you need to really hone in on the 'about you' part because you only get 20 percent to work with.
Also flatter yourself. Present yourself in a positive light. Be upbeat, and confident about various aspects of your work and life. Write out your introduction. Find what pieces work best at a first meeting. Keep in mind the setting. What works for getting a first date isn't always the best piece of information for meeting the new CEO.
Step 4: Sharpen your non-verbal self-disclosure.
What you do with your hands, feet, smile, frowns, eyes, and head is critical to the impression they will take away from your conversation. Be sure that it all matches. Are your arms crossed? Do you avoid eye contact? Practice purposeful non-verbal language that will relay a powerful message of what you want them to know about you. Open arms and palms face up indicate a willingness to explore. Get a book on non-verbal cues and study.
Step 5: Leave them wanting more.
Never give away the whole enchilada. Practice sending out 'teasers.' Become the Paul Harvey of you -- "... and now you know the REST of the story." Give out information that makes people curious, wanting more, and genuinely needing to get the rest of the information because they find value in it.
Remember this rule: the more you say, the more you're required to say. When this happens is when you begin to move away from the important things 'they' need and you want them to hear. Keep in mind that your audience (boss, date, child, future spouse) is really interested in what's in it for them. So, why not make that you?

About the Author: Karen Keller, Ph. D., creator of The Influence It! program, is the first Influence Specialist for women. Unlike other psychologists, Karen is also a Master Certified Coach and the only modern-day teacher of Influence as a way of inner thinking and being...then ultimately doing for having more of what you (really) want. Karen is publisher of Influence It! Real POWER for Women, The Web's #1 Resource for the Influential Woman's Journey, and the blog Influence By Design, where she shares insights and leading-edge information for the influential woman on the go.

Her newest offering is The Working Woman's Coaching Membership, a coaching program for women who desire to uncover (and use) their true influence power, which can be found at Karen is a contributing author to, "Stepping Stones to Success: Experts Share Strategies For Mastering Business, Life & Relationships" with Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, and Denis Waitley which is in bookstores this summer. Join Karen as she shares the latest proven strategies for a balanced take-charge life!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Rabbit Hole

For those who are unaware, coming out of a medication induced coma or whatever reason that works...
I'm opening an office!
Here's the address 1113 Hamshire Richardson Texas 75080.
It's right off 75 and Arapaho so it will be central to most of my clients.

I haven't had an office in 8 years so I'm starting to get a little excited about the prospects.

My last office was in a gymnastic facility and was an asbolute blast to be around all that energy.

This time, I get to be around a different type of energy and I'm going to be offering education and training classes on:
Blended Family Issues
Adult Children, who move back home (or never leave)
Weekly Guided Meditations
Identifying Sensory Styles

As always, I offer coaching, hypnosis and NLP to help people get to the root of their problems and challenges and resolve them quickly so they can get back to what they're rather be doing; living their lives.

Please be sure that you are on my mailing list so you can take advantage of pricing specials and early-bird discounts.

Additionally, I will be letting people know when my pricing is going to increase at the first of quarter of 2012.
The cost of gasoline has convinced me that I need to leave my price the same for now, but I will be offering monthly options and special limited discounts so you can get the services and classes that you need at a price that makes sense.

I look forward to seeing you at "The Rabbit Hole"
or we can always have a session on the phone or on Skype

Michael Harris, PhD
skype name - drmichaelharris

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Remember the "Naked Happy Dance" by Michael Harris, PhD

Instead of posting some words of wisdom or some technique that will really take you to the next level, I thought perhaps I'd do a rant. I haven't done a rant in a while and I'm a little out of practice; so here goes.

Why is it that people don't notice that they are succeeding?
I have example after example of clients, friends and family who are actually making progress in their individual battles with the world, their partner, their weight, etc. and STILL they refuse to see that progress.

Maybe it's too small of a progression for them to see? Maybe it's such a small part of all the things they are dealing with that it seems obscured by the sheer volume of things they are attempting to accomplish? Maybe their chunk size is just too big? Whatever the reason, for today, I've had enough! This post is to all of the people who have been diligently working on some goal(s).

HEY YOU! yeah, you. Without your conscious awareness you've succeeded. You've won. The stepping stone that you've worked so hard to achieve, for today, HAS BEEN REACHED.

Now it's time for you to STOP and DO THE NAKED HAPPY DANCE! This is the wild unbridled acceptance that in this time, at this moment, on this planet YOU ARE A WINNER.

STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH, pause and reflect on all you've been through, exhale and relax into this moment and ENJOY IT. I cannot guarantee what tomorrow will bring or even if there will be a tomorrow; there is only today, this moment, this breath and it belongs to you.

Enjoy it...

Michael Harris, PhD

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This week's BlogTalk Radio Show

In case you miseed the show last night here's the recorded segment

Every day 3000 more "Baby Boomers" leave the workplace and retire. Every year more college students graduate into a saturated job market and have to move back home. Our kids are staying home longer and our parents are living longer and having the experience of their bodies and minds succumb to the effects of illness, aging and dying.

What would do if your PARENTS asked you to MOVE BACK HOME to help care for a sick or dying family member? Find out the answers to this issue that is affecting 75 million people in the US every day.

My next show will be in two weeks July 12th, 2011 at 10 pm (CST)
Robert Caruso (inter-galactically famous psychic) and I will be discussing "How To Know When People Are Lying To You".
Robert uses a kinesthetic calibration method that is very interesting and different than the method I use, which is based on his 20 plus years of experience as a medium.. I will be talking about some NLP calibration techniques that are easy to learn and utilize to find out who is TELLING THE TRUTH and who is "blowing smoke". here's the link to the page and mark it on your calendar.

see you soon
Michael Harris, PhD

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

7 Tips for Managing Your Emotions by Michael Harris, PhD

We all from time to time encounter situations that make it hard for us to remain calm, cool and collected. Some people are a bomb ready to go off at any second while other just go with the flow?

What is it that we are trying to accomplish? Why do some things just make us go crazy while other things that bother the “coolest cucumber” just roll off like water off of a duck’s back?

The answer here is once again, our friend, the “lizard brain”. Our reptilian brain is a very instinctual and primal character who defends its territory with blood in his eye. The reptilian brain is also the part of our consciousness that manages all of our patterns, automated behaviors, beliefs and our values. This lizard isn’t someone to be trifled with so we need to learn how to accomplish our communication before the lizard gets involved.

We can by choice, assign our emotions to another part of our mind that has more compassion, empathy, patience and sense of consequences for others in our individual ecosphere than the lizard.

It is simple in implementation but the wide variations can be tricky. In order for us to manage our emotions we have to know a couple of things that may or may not have taught to us when we were kids. I’ve written out some simple tips for managing your emotions. I hope that you find these suggestions useful and if I’ve missed anything just send me an email

Tip #1
Everyone is trying to make this world a wonderful place for THEM to live in.
It may sound strange but we all manipulate and attempt to steer people into OUR way of thinking so we can communicate more effectively. We are all on our own evolutionary path. There are just some things that people have to learn or experience in their life and no matter how you try to prevent that from happening they need to learn the lesson. When someone steps on your toes, says something you think is stupid or seems to go out of their way to make your life unpleasant; remember it’s not personal. Get out of their way and let them evolve.

Tip #2
Never deny your emotions
No one wants to be around someone who is a perpetual emotional mess nor should you bottle up your emotions with a pending explosion just on the horizon. The ability to have your emotions and feel them fully without them diverting your attention is a skill that most people have yet to learn. When you have an emotion good or bad let yourself feel it and then using your conscious mind decide whether or not that you need to share it. If this is an emotion that needs immediate attention remove yourself from work, people and automobiles and find a safe space to investigate this emotion there may be an important message in this emotion that you want to know

Tip #3
Pick an appropriate time to vent your emotions.
The best time to have a conversation with someone about their actions, words, behaviors etc., isn’t in “the heat of the moment”. If you are sad, mad, etc. about what someone has done, pick a time after the event when you or both of you have cooled down and are in a frame of mind where both of you can actually hear a conversation. If things get heated up, stop and resume again later.
Knowing when to speak to someone and when not to is a learned activity be prepared to make lots of mistakes but eventually you’ll just know when to have you say and when not to.

Tip #4
Start with the end in mind.
When thinking about having an uncomfortable situation or conversation with someone, it may be a good idea to begin with the desired outcome you want to have at the end of the conversation. Knowing where you are going is much easier if you’ve been there before and starting a tough conversation needs to have a road map. Many people just start talking and no one is more surprised than they are at what comes out of their mouths. Practice what you’re going to say, if needed, or my favorite, make a list and be sure to cover everything on the list

Tip #5
Speak directly about what you want; hints or vague conversation doesn’t work.
Ask any girl if boys do hints? They don’t. As a matter of fact, most people don’t do hints. Make the person you are taking to life easy by speaking directing about what you want. If they don’t want to give you, sell you or provide what you’re asking for; go ask someone else. Keep asking people until you get what you want. It’s amazing what you can accomplish by asking for what you want directly and continuing to do until you’ve achieved your goal.

Tip #6
It’s all about Perception
If you’ve ever heard anyone say “if you could see it my way”, they are giving you important information. The request to shift perceptual position is a common one but few people actually know that you can mentally step into the other person’s shoes for a moment. There are actually 3 primary perceptual positions self, other and observer. Each position has it’s own unique perspective that could be valuable when sorting out some long or short-term argument that seems to be going no where. Maybe you just need a different view?

Tip #7
Tell the Truth
Telling the truth is hard stuff, it’s risky, we are vulnerable, so what? We all were taught as children to “not hurt” someone else’s feelings and I’m not so sure that was a good thing to teach. It took me years to figure out that I’d prefer to offend someone by telling the truth rather than having to keep track of some half-truth or lead them on by omitting key information that might change the outcome of the conversation I was having with someone. Telling the truth may be a new experience for you but once you can tell yourself and other the truth maybe other will do you the same favor.

About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fitness, Life and Business Coach in Frisco, Texas He conducts monthly seminars and weekly groups for individual, couples and families in the North Texas area who are involved with “blended family issues”.
Click here get on his email list and to receive the FREE Audio book series “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Waddles.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When kids go back home? By Michael Harris, PhD

What would you do if your parent asked you to move back home to help with managing the household because your other parent was ill? What if you lost your job and couldn’t find a new one?  What if a combination of factors-including but not limited to the recession, economy and life issues-created circumstances that meant your best choice was moving back home as a 40-something or 50 –something adult? 

A client of mine is dealing with this precise issue. She was contacted by her father, who was asking her to move back home to help care for her mother who was recently diagnosed with the “beginnings of dementia” following a shoulder surgery. Her father has had 2 cardiac procedures and a mini-stroke. Both parents are in their 80’s. What would you do?

My client has no children living at home.  She lives in one city and works in another approximately the same distance it would take her to drive if she moved back home. Until yesterday, she had not yet decided what to do but now the decision has been made. In November she will move back home to stay with her parents until one or both of her parents stabilizes or pass-on.

My client is 43 and is knowingly giving up about 5-10 years of her life so her parents can have a better quality of life. AS we discussed her decision, she asked me for some guidelines about how to make this transition work for both herself and her parents.

After thinking about her request I came up with these 10 tips for this transition TO go more smoothly. SOME OF THE SUGGESTED rules and guidelines CAN BE ADJUSTED AS ISSUES come up. In this scenario it would be impossible to foresee every possibility but there are some eventualities that can be addressed.

These 10 tips can be used in almost any context where “blended” families are attempting to cohabitate. If you have aging parents, children in trouble or even kids who won’t leave, these tips can be helpful. If you come up with any issues that can’t be solved with these tips, please email me so we can find a solution that works for you and your individual situation.

Tip #1
Start with the end in mind.
This is Stephen Covey’s first principle of highly effective people. In this situation, it’s a must.
If you or someone is going to be moving in together what is the proposed time frame for them to be there? Needing a place to live while you are job hunting or re-establishing new residence in a new city is one thing, but moving in to help with the process of a dying parent is another. The other consideration is:  What happens after the event? At what point does the person who is “living in” move out? Make your plans all the way through to the completed outcome:   getting a job and moving into your new house or apartment. If the plan is to stay until YOUR parent is deceased, plan through the death, burial and the disposition of the estate.  Think ahead: how long will your assistance be needed?  The most highly effective plans begin at the conclusion of the expected event. 
Work backward from the event to the present day to come up with the steps you will require..

Tip # 2
Setup all the rules in advance.
Question any assumptions you may have about everything.
Everyone has different rules for day-to-day living. The most common mistake that people make is assuming that “their” rules are exactly the same as the person who is moving in.   They aren’t. They aren’t even close to being the same. Talk about everything:  Food rules, TV rules, when you   go to bed, topics of conversation that are off-limits, how laundry is to be done, who does the cooking AND/OR cleaning . You get the idea. Envision a typical day from wake-up to bedtime. Do not be surprised if your list goes on and on. It may take several hours or days to complete. But it will be far better to do this in advance, rather than waiting and getting surprised.

Tip #3
Set Boundaries
Boundaries exist for everyone. If you know that every night your Mom watches “Wheel of Fortune” every single night of the week, don’t plan on watching the ballgame on that TV. Or if you are of one particular religious belief and your family is another, perhaps setting a boundary about talking or forcing someone to participate in another’s belief may be a good thing to do in advance.

We all have identities, beliefs, values, things, people and situations that are special and sacred. We don’t normally step on those things on purpose but it can happen. Having a conversation in advance about your boundaries and hot-buttons are a good way of limiting the number of “violations” that occur. If you already know that something will probably be said inadvertently; talk about it now. Thinking ahead and communicating in advance will hopefully minimize or perhaps even prevent any destructive arguments.

Tip #4
Free Zones and Safe Spaces
In every household there are common areas or Free Zones. In my personal home, the Free Zone is the living room. If you aren’t feeling chatty or you’re reading a book and you don’t want to be interrupted, choose another location than the living room because your occupation of that space implies you are available for conversation.
The Safe Spaces are areas that require knocking before entry. The Bathroom is obvious, but not so obvious are bedrooms and home offices. If you want me to snap your head off your body, come into my room without knocking. Everyone has these types of areas so talk about it and decide in advance where they are and what actions must be taken before entry is allowed.
Remember: your reptilian brain is the seat of all patterns, habits and routines. It is an instinctive, nonverbal brain that processes even a minor territory intrusion as a full-on frontal attack.  When survival is on the line, the reptilian brain always wins so be sure to let your new housemates know about your desk, your favorite chair or your coffee cups as soon as you can.

Tip #5
Free Time and Vacations
Adults need time off. They need time off from work, from kids, from spouses and from parents.  The more stressful the situation or living arrangements the greater the need for organized scheduled time off. If you are the adult child of a parent moving back home to help if may seem logical that you might continue your intimate relationships or go out with the boys/girls once in a while. Do not assume that your parent or housemates think the same way you do. My mother is currently the caretaker of my child while I work in Dallas during the week. When I get home on Fridays, I can tell that during the weekend she needs her time away for my lovely yet highly demanding 4 year-old. And occasionally I need a break from both of them and stay in Dallas over a weekend.

Vacations work the same way. I love my Mom but I don’t want to spend a weekend in Cancun playing golf with her; maybe once in awhile, not as a steady activity. She also will have to plan a girl trip with her buddies now and again. I cannot emphasize how important Fun and Recreation is to your daily, weekly and monthly sanity check and it seems to be the first thing on the list that gets dropped when trouble in a family flairs up. It needs to be put into the overall plan just like everything else for ecological reasons.

Becoming a caregiver can be emotionally rewarding but it can easily become the fastlane to a bad case of F.D. S. (Fun deficiency syndrome!) 
Vacations and free time are necessary to prevent caregiver burnout.
They are not luxuries. They are essential to your health, well-being and overall sanity regardless of your living arrangements.

Tip #6
Establishing Adult Relationships
This might sound like one of those “duh-of course” line items and it is. I am frequently surprised how little this is done in real time. Think about this. I’m 53 and my Mom is 80 so we’ve been adults for a longtime but it wasn’t until I suggested that we actually work on being friends as adults that she had this huge epiphany that she had still been trying to manage me.

I’m not much on being managed by others without my permission. The result was there was a huge calming effect that occurred with that revelation and we’ve gotten along much better since then. Now if she can get me to quit trying to manage her, we’ll really make some progress. Even though I do this for a living I’m still human AND so are you.

Tip #7
Get Curious
The solution to almost any problem or emotional response is curiosity. If you are moving in with parents or family or they you, it’s time to get really curious about how you and they live their lives. Curiosity may actually save you from yourself as you reexamine some of those interesting habits and behaviors that you think are entirely normal.

Each of us has our own idiosyncrasies. Some may be so bizarre we could probably have our own show on the Discovery Channel. They just don’t seem odd to us because we do them all the time. Your family is the same way. Becoming curious with some humor about the differences between you guys will smooth your path as you travel down this road together.

Tip #8
Weekly Meetings
The best way to prevent the “little things” from becoming “big things” are weekly meetings. There is probably no such thing as the perfect life, the perfect relationship or the perfect job. Scheduling and implementing a weekly meeting for people to talk, discuss and mediate is going to be your best source of releasing pressure, especially if someone in your family is going through the process dying.

Tip #9
Conflict Resolution
 A good friend of mine told me that “conflict is a way of getting to know another person at a deeper level of understanding”. Conflict happen all the time, so what would it be like if you expected them to come up from time to time as a normal part of your relationship development?
The basic conflict resolution model is simple and has four steps 1) find a neutral third party as mediator 2) agree to work on this until all parties have reached agreement 3) take turns talking about what the problem is and how if feels 4) agree on a solution that meets both or all of the needs of the parties in conflict. This process take a little time to get used to, particularly listening to how the other person feels, but it’s a very important part of the process. Most people feel better after they’ve had a chance to express their feelings, Take the time to listen and you’ll find that most of the conflict is solved with that one step.

I highly recommend the book “getting to yes” written by the Harvard Negotiation Project. It give you specific pointers on how to separate the issues at hand from the emotions that get triggered by those issues  For example, scheduling time off is a logistical question but may trigger feelings of guilt or resentment. “Getting to Yes” shows you how to separate your feelings from the issue at hand.

Tip #10
Asking for Help
The total cumulative knowledge I possess about cardiology, putting on women’s makeup, conducting an IPO and tournament bass fishing is exactly zero. The major difference is I know that I don’t know and I know when to ask an expert.

If the reason that you are moving with a relative or they WITH you IS because of illness and possible death you may have to ask an expert. You will need legal advice, burial advice, benefits advice, medical advice and the list goes on. Be smart and start asking questions now. There is going to be plenty of emotional stuff going on as well, bereavement, guilt, anger etc., so be sure to consult a professional on these issues as well. My advice is always going to be “Plan Ahead.”  Get the person who is ill into coaching OR counseling BEFORE things get to the terminal stage.. You might discover that the person who is dying has a unique perspective on the subject that you and family members remaining behind may not have.

Whether you are moving in with your parents, your kids moving back home or your parents are moving in to your home this is really a great opportunity for you to get to know these people and YOURSELF at a completely different level. The opportunity can be used to HEAL THE WOUNDS of many generations both past and present. I cannot emphasize enough the necessity of planning ahead and of good continuous communication. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact me.

About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fitness, Life and Business Coach in Frisco, Texas He conducts monthly seminars and weekly groups for individual, couples and families in the North Texas area who are involved with “blended family issues”.
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