Friday, July 29, 2011

The Darwins are out ! ! !

Yes, it's that magical time of year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us.
Here is the glorious winner:
1. When his 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California  would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
And now, the honorable mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger.. The chef's claim was approved.

3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.

4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar,
a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped.   Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride.    He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies...... The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days.

5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train.     When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit.

6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change.   When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter.  The total amount of cash he got from the drawer... $15.  
[If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?]

7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run.  So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious.  The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape...
8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran.  The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied,  "Yes, officer, that's her.  That's the lady I stole the purse from."

9.. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti , Michigan at 5 A.M.,   flashed a gun, and demanded cash.   The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.   [*A 5-STAR STUPIDITY AWARD WINNER]

10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street by sucking on a hose, he got much more than he bargained for.. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake.   The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had and the perp had been punished enough! The robber was even more 'full of sh*t' than usual.

In the interest of bettering mankind, please share these with friends and family....unless of course one of these individuals by chance is a distant relative or long lost friend. In that case, be glad they are distant and hope they remain lost.

*** Remember . . .
They walk among us, they can reproduce

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Best Bunny Story Ever by Michael Harris, PhD

A client of mine told me this story today; I thought I would share it.

She has a brother she visits in Houston and while walking on the beach he tells her about his next-door-neighbor and a "strange thing" that happened during the summer.

The brother’s neighbor comes over and asks if the brother would look after their home and pick-up the mail while they were on vacation for a week. The brother says “yes” and notes that they didn’t ask him to watch after the bunny that he knows is in a cage in their backyard. He remembered thinking it unusual but not strange.

The following morning he is about to check on the neighbor’s house and pick-up their mail before he goes to work when out of the corner of his eye; he sees his chocolate labrador retriever playing in the backyard with “something”. The dog is obviously having a great time throwing “something” into the air and catching it while racing wildly through the yard.

Going into the backyard calls the dog over to him and discovers to his shock, that the dog is playing with a very wet and now, very dead bunny. Horrified at what the neighbor is going to think he takes the limp bunny from the dog into the kitchen to think about what he’s going to do.

He decides to wash the bunny and even though it’s dead, he’s going to put it back into the cage and act like nothing happened. So, after a thorough washing and blow-drying of this now deceased bunny, back the bunny goes into the cage, while the brother can do nothing except wait for the neighbor’s return.

A week later, the neighbor returns and come over to thank the brother for watching the house and picking up the mail. The brother says “anytime” and offers nothing else to that part of the conversation. They continue to have coffee and chat about the vacation until it’s time for the neighbor to leave.

The neighbor says, “you know, the only strange thing about this vacation was that the night before we left our bunny died”. We buried him in the backyard and although the kids were upset by the time we got back; they were kind of over the loss of their pet and looking forward to getting a new bunny. The really strange thing was when we got back home, the bunny was back in the cage and it looked like he had been to the beauty parlor.

Feel free to pass this one around, I have laughed that hard in a while.

Michael Harris, PhD

Friday, July 22, 2011

Clearing the confusion...

There also has been some confusion about tonight's class... THERE ISN'T A CLASS TONIGHT.
I was thinking about doing one and had scheduled the room, I just never got around to posting an event invitation on Facebook.

I have several people contact me about the seminar "Sensory Styles" on August 5th (6:30 to 9ish CST)
and yes, there is a class on the 6th (9am-1pm (CST) which will give more detail about Sensory Styles
and Meta-Beliefs and Meta Rules (if you want more information on these, you have to attend the class).

I've been working on my book "When kids Go Back Home (or never leave...)". It's almost finished and being edited as you are reading this.. The problem is that there will be at least 2 more edits and the proposed launch date for my seminar is now early to mid-September.The book will come out in eBook format first, audio book second and then probably in January 2012 in print.

This topic is too important to the people out there who are going through these particular types of life changes for this book and workbook to be anything other than perfect. So I'd rather wait a month that to have someone miss out on a important point and have their "blended family" relationship fall apart or worse.

Being a person who is presently living in a "blended family" situation and living in 2 cities this topic is important.

There are a 9 seats left for the Friday Class. I kept the class small so I can work with everyone and if most of them bring spouses and or family members the class could double pretty quickly.

Just in case you've been in a coma or on vacation, here's the link again.
as always if you need to get me, email is the best
Michael Harris, PhD

Thursday, July 21, 2011

3-Steps To Asking Better Questions by Michael Harris, PhD

Everyone knows one of THOSE PEOPLE; someone whose language patterns are so negative that you wonder if anyone can help them out of their “self-imposed messes” that they have created. I get those too, not a lot of them, but occasionally.

I have a client that for a while now; I’ve been attempting to help with their present issues without much movement one way or another.

Generally, my solution when I encounter people or clients like that is LET THEM GO. I figure that whatever the missing resonance is, has to do with our empathetic connection. Unless I have that connection with someone, they would be better served seeking another professional other than me.

I let them go so they can seek out the correct therapist with the correct resonance. In this case, I chose to stay engaged a little longer even though the progress the client was making (or wasn’t making) was unacceptable based on their goals and intentions.

Today was the day that the breakthrough occurred! It was, of course, something simple as it usually is and I thought I would save you some time by JUST TELLING YOU the solution…ASK BETTER QUESTIONS.

Asking better questions is the process of COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE of whatever is going on and wondering what the “learning” is going to be.

In this case, I asked the client to place their hand on the area of their body where they were experiencing an emotion and ask this question, “WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THIS? Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is. It is so simple that I’m considering slapping my forehead at the ease that the client switched gears after asking that question aloud.

I thought I would just give you the 3-step process. The process will allow you to GET SOME TRACTION whenever you have a emotion that is bogging you down or you need to make an important decision that you have as yet to make. ASK A BETTER QUESTION and you’ll get a better answer.

3-Steps to Asking Better Questions

Step #1
Identify the thought AND emotion that is associated with this problem, issue or decision that you are experiencing. Words, pictures in our heads are ALL linked to emotional responses, whether we pay attention to the emotions or not.
WORDS MEAN THINGS to us, other people and most importantly to our physiology.
Pick ONLY ONE emotion at a time and if you have to repeat this process with another emotion FINISH THIS PROCESS FIRST before going after the next feeling or emotion.

Step #2
Notice where in your body that you are experiencing this emotion. It could be in your heart, your head, in the abdominal region or anywhere. Once you have identified this emotion in your body PUT YOUR HAND ON IT.

Step #3
Ask this question. WHAT CAN I LEARN FROM THIS? Asking this question, in this manner requires your brain to search for answers in different areas of your brain. This can happen immediately or can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of days depending on the seriousness of the decision or complexity of the emotion. However long it takes… that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you begin asking the question and KEEP ASKING UNTIL YOU GET AN ANSWER.

Our brains are designed to store information and retrieve it. By asking better questions, we are actually giving our minds something to do rather than hyper-focus on a problem. The syntax of the question actually does the reverse. This question hyper-focuses you on finding an answer to the question. By framing problems and difficulties as learning events, it allows to minamalize the problem and maximizes finding the solution.

Once your BRAIN GETS THE HINT that you’re going to DO THIS EVERYTIME you have a problem or need to make a decision, it will START DOING THIS AUTOMATICALLY.

If you need more information on this topic or just want to have a conversation about how coaching can improve your decision-making processes send me an email to, I’ll be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

About the Author:

Michael Harris, PhD is Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transition, Life and Business Coach. Who specializes in personal performance, conflict resolution and life planning.

Click here to receive the FREE Audio book series “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Waddles (,

To fastrack your success…
Listen to his BlogTalk Radio Show ( or email ( for more information

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Website update, Seminars and other randoms

another title for this blog is... CLOUD SERVERS SUCK!

About 3 months ago, I suggested that my website would be back up and running like a well-oiled machine.
As you can see it's still not up. Although I'd like to blame my awesome IT person, Cathy, it's totally not her fault. The hosting company we've been using decided it would be a "great idea" to switch all of the users to "the cloud" (come on... you've seen the commercials).

What they forgot to mention in the commercials is that if you have lots of dynamic content, PHP or ASP your website will NOT WORK! It may be a great idea if you have a static website and only make changes occasionally but if you update regularly, or have lots of video, audio or cool backend IT stuff... DON'T USE THE CLOUD.

According to Cathy, the wonder girl, the problem is fixed and we will soon resume regular service. (whenever that happens). In the meantime you can always find me on FaceBook or send me an email

If you really want the scooby on "the cloud" and whether or not it's a good choice for you; check out my friends Dan and Jennifer's website for a good video on this topic.

Also in the news. I have a new office so now people can actually see me in person, rather than just by phone or Skype. The address is 1113 Hampshire Richardson, TX. The place is called "The Rabbit Hole" and has lots of other healers, mediums and there is a cool storefront for all of your basic healer and spiritual needs. I'm in a back office hidden away so I don't scare the guests. (you know... hypnotist)

For those in the the DFW area that's right off 75 and Arapaho so I'm pretty central to everyone.
things are doing pretty well here and I'm almost unpacked so no one will be allowed in the back office until there's actually room to move or sit down.

I'm also beginning my monthly seminar schedule for the Fall with a Sensory Styles class on August 5th. A free lecture followed by a class on Saturday August 6th. I'm also starting weekly classes as a way for people to increase their knowledge on the topics of the classes. You know how much I'm a fan of repetition and I believe the more you repeat a learning the more you learn each time.

If you'd like to attend the class here's the link on FaceBook there are at present only 11 seats left and when they are gone... you'll have to wait until next quarter; so don't be THAT guy.
It seems that things are moving well so that's it for now.

I'll talk to you soon
Michael Harris, PhD

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sensory Styles - What they are... How to use them by Michael Harris, PhD

Just what the heck is a Sensory Style? That's a good question. Here's the answer.

All of us use all five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory) to move our way
around the planet, live our lives and talk to other people, etc. wouldn't be great if we knew what combination of senses we use? And what the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES are inherent in each of the individual styles?

On Monday night, August 1st, 2011 I will be talking about Sensory Styles with my friend Jack on my BLOGTALK RADIO SHOW (listen to the show). I also may have a couple of OTHER experts (jury still out on that) who will talk about how they use Sensory Styles in the BUSINESS world. My main focus on Sensory Styles is about PERSONAL PERFORMANCE and RELATIONSHIP ISSUES. But once you know how they work you can utilize them in any context of your life.

At the end of the show, I'm going to give you a link to signup for a FREE SEMINAR on Sensory Styles that I'm presenting at the Rabbit Hole (my office) 1113 Hamshire Ln, Richardson TX 75080 August 5th, 2011.
Seating will be limited to FIRST 20 people.This lecture will be an overview of what Sensory Styles are and what individual primary and secondary Sensory Styles you use.

There will be a ADVANCED CLASS on Sensory Styles on Saturday August 6th from 9 to 12 (CST).
In this class, you will be taught HOW TO USE SENSORY STYLES and how ELLICT CONVERSATIONALLY OTHER PEOPLE'S SENSORY STYLES. This is extremely useful  in business as well as in personal relationships. Knowing what someone's Sensory Style is makes it easier to engage and get along at a level that until now you haven't experienced.
What to know more? Come to the class.
RSVP FACEBOOK or you can send me an email now

Talk to you soon
Michael Harris, PhD

Are You Revealing TOO Much? 5 Steps to Telling the Truth - By Karen Keller

This is an interesting article I thought I'd share it.
I'm not certain I'd agree with everything the author says verbatim. Although, I have a huge proponent of keeping your verbal and non-verbal communication congruent as she alludes to in Step 4.

My criteria for truth telling borders on the militant and if people aren't ready for the truth, then they probably shouldn't ask you questions. I would be interested in your opinion... comment here or send me an email.

thanks for reading
Michael Harris, PhD

here's the article - Are You Revealing TOO Much? 5 Steps to Telling the Truth - By Karen Keller

When is enough enough? Is your 'truth-telling' getting you in trouble? What happens when you first meet someone? Do you get diarrhea of the mouth? Do you clam up not saying a word?

There's a fine balance between truthfully representing your personality and making a good first impression. You need to choose your words carefully and give the right 'spin' -- yes, spin. This is where you begin to shape the perception others will have of you.

Two things cause perception. Your experiences and what people show you. For instance, you see someone walking down the street in a three-piece suit, and based on your experiences you think he is a successful, educated, intelligent person because that's what you learned to think. And you think that because of what he is showing you.

Later you see the same person wearing the same suit but this time he walks into a porn shop. What do you think of him then? Yes, your perception was again altered based on your experiences and what he showed you.

Is truth-telling always the best?

How does all of this affect truth-telling? What you say and how you behave creates a perception of you that may or may not be true. So what's the problem? Why not always tell the truth? Of course, but are there times when too much is unnecessary or harmful.

Do they really need to know the past relationship issues you had with their boss? Is it helpful to you making everyone aware of the mistakes you made with a certain team member? No. But many people self-disclose to their own detriment.

There are 5 steps to follow when considering the time (and what) to self-disclose:
Step 1: Always ask yourself, "Is this information something I wouldn't mind seeing as the lead story on tonight's news?"
How many times have you reheard a story about you that drained the color from your face? What you put out there on Facebook, twitter, email, etc. is permanently out there. Your first time conversations are no different. Think ahead and be smart.
Step 2: Know what is interesting about yourself that you can share.
Be prepared. Make a list of your history, your stories, the details, the humorous and the serious. Be different. Everyone wants to be the 'go to' person but what is it specifically you are doing that will make you that person? What will stand out? Is "I have been married" more interesting than "I just divorced my 6th husband?" Which one gets your attention?
Step 3: Flatter them.
It's not all about you. What unique question do you want them to answer? Practice the 80/20 rule - 80 percent about them and 20 percent about you. That's why you need to really hone in on the 'about you' part because you only get 20 percent to work with.
Also flatter yourself. Present yourself in a positive light. Be upbeat, and confident about various aspects of your work and life. Write out your introduction. Find what pieces work best at a first meeting. Keep in mind the setting. What works for getting a first date isn't always the best piece of information for meeting the new CEO.
Step 4: Sharpen your non-verbal self-disclosure.
What you do with your hands, feet, smile, frowns, eyes, and head is critical to the impression they will take away from your conversation. Be sure that it all matches. Are your arms crossed? Do you avoid eye contact? Practice purposeful non-verbal language that will relay a powerful message of what you want them to know about you. Open arms and palms face up indicate a willingness to explore. Get a book on non-verbal cues and study.
Step 5: Leave them wanting more.
Never give away the whole enchilada. Practice sending out 'teasers.' Become the Paul Harvey of you -- "... and now you know the REST of the story." Give out information that makes people curious, wanting more, and genuinely needing to get the rest of the information because they find value in it.
Remember this rule: the more you say, the more you're required to say. When this happens is when you begin to move away from the important things 'they' need and you want them to hear. Keep in mind that your audience (boss, date, child, future spouse) is really interested in what's in it for them. So, why not make that you?

About the Author: Karen Keller, Ph. D., creator of The Influence It! program, is the first Influence Specialist for women. Unlike other psychologists, Karen is also a Master Certified Coach and the only modern-day teacher of Influence as a way of inner thinking and being...then ultimately doing for having more of what you (really) want. Karen is publisher of Influence It! Real POWER for Women, The Web's #1 Resource for the Influential Woman's Journey, and the blog Influence By Design, where she shares insights and leading-edge information for the influential woman on the go.

Her newest offering is The Working Woman's Coaching Membership, a coaching program for women who desire to uncover (and use) their true influence power, which can be found at Karen is a contributing author to, "Stepping Stones to Success: Experts Share Strategies For Mastering Business, Life & Relationships" with Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, and Denis Waitley which is in bookstores this summer. Join Karen as she shares the latest proven strategies for a balanced take-charge life!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Rabbit Hole

For those who are unaware, coming out of a medication induced coma or whatever reason that works...
I'm opening an office!
Here's the address 1113 Hamshire Richardson Texas 75080.
It's right off 75 and Arapaho so it will be central to most of my clients.

I haven't had an office in 8 years so I'm starting to get a little excited about the prospects.

My last office was in a gymnastic facility and was an asbolute blast to be around all that energy.

This time, I get to be around a different type of energy and I'm going to be offering education and training classes on:
Blended Family Issues
Adult Children, who move back home (or never leave)
Weekly Guided Meditations
Identifying Sensory Styles

As always, I offer coaching, hypnosis and NLP to help people get to the root of their problems and challenges and resolve them quickly so they can get back to what they're rather be doing; living their lives.

Please be sure that you are on my mailing list so you can take advantage of pricing specials and early-bird discounts.

Additionally, I will be letting people know when my pricing is going to increase at the first of quarter of 2012.
The cost of gasoline has convinced me that I need to leave my price the same for now, but I will be offering monthly options and special limited discounts so you can get the services and classes that you need at a price that makes sense.

I look forward to seeing you at "The Rabbit Hole"
or we can always have a session on the phone or on Skype

Michael Harris, PhD
skype name - drmichaelharris

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Remember the "Naked Happy Dance" by Michael Harris, PhD

Instead of posting some words of wisdom or some technique that will really take you to the next level, I thought perhaps I'd do a rant. I haven't done a rant in a while and I'm a little out of practice; so here goes.

Why is it that people don't notice that they are succeeding?
I have example after example of clients, friends and family who are actually making progress in their individual battles with the world, their partner, their weight, etc. and STILL they refuse to see that progress.

Maybe it's too small of a progression for them to see? Maybe it's such a small part of all the things they are dealing with that it seems obscured by the sheer volume of things they are attempting to accomplish? Maybe their chunk size is just too big? Whatever the reason, for today, I've had enough! This post is to all of the people who have been diligently working on some goal(s).

HEY YOU! yeah, you. Without your conscious awareness you've succeeded. You've won. The stepping stone that you've worked so hard to achieve, for today, HAS BEEN REACHED.

Now it's time for you to STOP and DO THE NAKED HAPPY DANCE! This is the wild unbridled acceptance that in this time, at this moment, on this planet YOU ARE A WINNER.

STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH, pause and reflect on all you've been through, exhale and relax into this moment and ENJOY IT. I cannot guarantee what tomorrow will bring or even if there will be a tomorrow; there is only today, this moment, this breath and it belongs to you.

Enjoy it...

Michael Harris, PhD