Great Wednesday to you all!
I was talking today to a friend of mine and NLP colleague, Jan Saeger (pronounced YON SAY-GER), about some new stuff he's working on with his "Global Contextual Shift" pattern (see video) I think he's really come up with some interesting new goodies. For those of you who attended my "Sensory Styles" Class this month; you'll really get this.
The Global Context Shift pattern in a nutshell, is a technique that allows people to breakthrough the barriers that exist between what is "real and possible for them" and what is "real and possible for others. As with many things in hypnosis and NLP, sometimes one person just hears about "X" makes a change and they HAVE IT for the rest of their lives and then cures some dread disease that has eluded mankind for millennium while someone else goes to a practitioner over and over for weeks, months or years. So what's the difference between the two people?
One of things that Jan has discovered is that with some people (generally highly creative people) they need a complete VAK (or VKA, AVK, AKV, KAV, KVA) pattern in order to make whatever shifts that they need to break through the barriers. The letters represent the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mental processes and how people organize that information in their minds dictates everything they do believe or are willing to believe.Jan's latest postulation is that this complete pattern (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) is what is keeping the person from making and keeping the changes that they have requested.
It's kind of like moving a tractor one piece at a time to a new location. For the person with this pattern as soon as you move the pieces to the new location; a replace part is already back on the tractor in the old location. So you could create and entire pseudo-tractor in the resource area that you're working on and it still will not be "real" to the person unless the whole pattern moves at the same time. This why sometimes people get a change for a time, but it doesn't "stick".
This might sound a little confusing; here's an example. I used to work with Junior Olympic Athletes for Enhanced Performance. If you have someone that has NEVER WON ANYTHING in their entire gymnastic career and it can be quite a trick to convince them that they can. The best method or solution is to access something they have won (could be anything a test at school, a raffle, etc.) and get the pattern from that win and MAP IT OVER TO THE NEW CONTEXT. If you do it just by sheer will power or by pretending it will not be real enough for the mind to accept it and the unconscious mind will reject the new pattern or programming, regardless of how congruently the person consciously wants it.
The only exception is for kids under the age of 7. Their minds (corpus callosum) are not completely developed and have difficulty differentiating between real and imagined states. This is the reason that hypnosis is so effective. It suspends "disbelief" for a short while and allows the person to proceed "as if" but there is always the possibility of rejection, etc.
Now with this new pattern that Jan is working on, we maybe able to skip right over to keeping the change part without having to redo the pattern over and over. I will post more about this later as we workout the conversational language patterns for this but for now this what we have.
If you have an interest in NLP modeling or experimental hypnosis and want to know more about this topic you can contact me Michael Harris or contact Jan Saeger
here's the link again for the Global Contextual Shift Pattern
talk to you soon
Michael Harris, PhD
About the Author:
Michael Harris, PhD is an expert in language of communication of Sensory Stacks and Transition Coach. This new technology will allow you to know how you process information, in which sensory style, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how specifically to communicate to others in a way that is both beneficial and effective.
Biography - Michael Harris has been in and around the Dallas/Ft. worth area for the last 25 years. He has been published in the Dallas Morning News, Health and Fitness, Bally's Total Fitness, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. He has been the subject on fitness coaching and personal performance in January of 91, on the local news. Michael is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.
Biography - Michael Harris has been in and around the Dallas/Ft. worth area for the last 25 years. He has been published in the Dallas Morning News, Health and Fitness, Bally's Total Fitness, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. He has been the subject on fitness coaching and personal performance in January of 91, on the local news. Michael is active locally and nationally, including private and public speaking on the nationwide pandemic of “Adult Children Moving Back Home (or never leave)”. This national issue affects 40 to 75 million people each year. Listen to Michael Harris, PhD live on his BlogTalk Radio Show.
This may be quite helpful in developing the crewmember training I have been developing.
could be send me an email and lets' chat about it
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